Really looking good, I never look at Game Guides, but found some useful info in there and the clip art teaser’s add a nice touch. Great Job!
I am not seeing the change, even after a refresh
Just to be sure, we are talking about this section, right ?
Awesome, awesome work on the game guide. It’s very well done!
Try it now.
Just noticed the cunning has this
Improves your combat technique, which affects your effectiveness with weapons physical-based attacks.
Should it not also mention that cunning affects the chance for spells to hit/miss ?
Edit, I see it says a bit further about chance to hit/crit, but just feel it’s easy for players to think it’s just weapon attacks, not spell attacks as well.
Cool update! The Black Legion sounds more badass than I had imagined…liking their backstory.
Game Guide is awesome too, nice work! (is that concept art for the Duelist’s Saber? …and Maw of the Beast? Those look gooooood)
I love your lore. And I love the art, too. It so plays to my attunement. Great job again!
Very well done, Crate. This was a brilliant improvement over TQ.
We seem to have lost the “preview message” and “post message” texts. There are just two black boxes. I’m using IE10 fyi. I’d post a picture, but I can’t as this forum doesn’t have an attachment option like the one over at Took a picture in Paint, but can’t find a way to post it.
Not sure what buttons those are, but all buttons are properly loading here.
You can attach files to a post using Manage Attachments under “Attach Files” in Additional Options. These options do not appear when doing a quick reply.
Medea is talking about this, also when I edit this message, the message buttons are missing.
Okay let’s try this again. Going to preview message. Additional Options gives me Miscellaneous Options: “Automatically parse links in text” and “Disable smilies in text”. Thread Subscriptions: various choices. No “Attach Files”.
Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about Malpheas.
Chrome on win 7 and iOS show the buttons.
What is ie10 thing? Maybe they have a support site where you can report bugs?
Internet Explore 10. I refuse to use IE11 as I can’t stand all those tab things.
I can confirm that this is an issue with IE11, but not sure if it’s something we can fix or if something Microsoft has to resolve with their browser.
For reference, it only started for me when the new buttons were put in; the new site look.
Should be fixed now. Refresh the website to make sure.
Thanks for the report.
Fixed, sir.
Yes, fixed for me too. But no Attach Files option.