Grim Misadventure #63: Inside Homestead V2

I’m calling it. We know Ulgrim, obviously, but I am willing to bet all the iron I’ve gambled away crafting that the dude on the left is none other than Inquisitor Creed. :cool: As the biggest fan of the Inquisition on these forums (their lore in GD so far has been a perfect mix of epic- and shadiness) I hope my opinion counts for something when I say that his awe/fear-inspiring look is on point. :wink: I also love that he is visibly carrying at least one health and energy potion, good to know we’re not the only ones smart enough to use drinks of insta-healing. :smiley:
Thanks for the fantastic update Zantai, and a big hand to the art designers, those banners are niiice. Give them a raise for us, will you? :stuck_out_tongue: Can’t wait to see them in-game for myself! (Along with the coolest Inquisitor of recent gaming history)
Younghappy :slight_smile:

I WANT that outfit!!

Nope, it is looks smaller if like me you count prison from bridge to bridge, not just walls.

And why not have something bigger like town in Diablo 2 Act 2.

a keen eye would reveal that ulgrim has the nighthunter chestguard and shadows grasp equiped(maybe he uses nights chill?), and the guy in the red and black armor has omen and spellbinders grip equipped.(witchblade maybe?)

Yes. They will have the Black Legion logo on them… :stuck_out_tongue:

No it can’t be, because everyone knows the Inquisition only appears when you don’t expect them… :D:D

Cool update Crate ,just waiting to play MOAAAARRR!!!

I love coming on to this site and seeing a build update. Can’t wait to get my grubby paws on this:D Keep up the good work Crate

Will Homestead default to the new home town once we enter it? And by that i mean where we are when we enter the game and where we spawn if we die. It seems like this should happen, if it is even possible.

I hope there are a couple big surprises not even hinted at that they leave until full release. I dont mind waiting till then to know what Devotion is. :slight_smile:

Cool thanks for the update. I must admit that so far the areas all look much the same changing from acts.

I’m not so sure, the Black Legion are ex-criminals. Doesn’t seem like the type of people an inquisitor would be friends with.

Sadly, I feel the same way dude. :frowning:

I must say, TQ had more terrain and enemy variations. I felt like I’m in a totally different act since I was no longer seeing deserts and/or skeletons.

I can’t get over how excited I am for this to happen.

It may also be Zantai’s way of presenting things: freaking hilarious.

“These guys look important” lol :cool::cool:

i don’t totally agree. the contrast is not as strong as between TQ’s different areas, but these areas in TQ are just in different continents, the scale in GD is not so big.

and the Mountain Deeps, Barren Pines and even the fields before Homestead : they all have a unique look imho.

Cool stuff, Homestead is looking good! :smiley:

I also think so, and wish I fight together with them in some mission.

Yes, once you enter Homestead, it will become your new respawn point.

That’s awesome!

i agree, it’s a really cool feature, will give us the impression to achieve a step upon game completion (hope that means something in english^^).

as cavar said, awesome !