Grim Misadventure #64: A Window into the Faction World

I guess we’ll have to be really Devoted to those factions then :wink:

I’d assume there’ll be some new NPCs added to the game, plus they might make it like on Diablo games, where a few random NPCs can spawn on random locations near a certain dungeon entrances or just around the map, whenever you enter the game with your characters, and they can offer you quests to do some random work for them, like kill a Hero monster, kill a few members of x faction, etc…

This system look great…

I have to say, your recent update is fantastic.

Now, built in a possibility to be a bad guy, work for Cronley, Undead, etc. as in Fallout series and I am gonna manufacture a custom Crate T-Shirt…

Amazing!!!you are the best from the best Crate.:D:D:D

One request, please, don’t forget about scrollbars in faction’s description. I already see that for example Russian translation requires more space that is presented here.

Impressive UI.
It’s very interesting that enemies change with a factional relation.

gj crate!!!

They wont finish this game, i think. How long must we wait for the full game ??? 2 years ?:open_mouth:

This Faction system sounds like its going to open up Grim Dawn in profound ways once it gets going… it sounds like it may be the very thing I hoped it might possibly be. And it also sounds like the sort of hugely ambitious stretch goal you talented developers might pursue if everything worked out correctly (which it has!).

Damn this is going to be a great game.

At least 20 years, maybe more. If they wait 25 years, then it will be a classic when they release it! I’m hoping for that! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mmm, that’s a sweetly designed page. Are we entering polishing phase or what?

Very nice … :d

Nice to see, that build 24 will come within the next 2 month. I just wonder if there will be an increase to the max level (perhaps to lv 45).

No, no planned level cap increase.

Yes,finally a great use for manny Hours farming Cronleys Gang.

I already feel too strong at level 40 for the current content, my only worry is more lvl 41+ items dropping lol

This update sounds great can’t wait!

Looking good!

Called it!

Will there be any overhaul tweaks to how Faction Relationships are increased/decreased? As it stands, every kill in an enemy Faction, be it a common enemy, an infrequent, or a hero, results in only one reputation point. It’d be neat if different enemy types gave different amounts of reputation for slaying.

Nice! :smiley:

I wonder if there is a possibility B24 come out on Valentine’s Day. Something in my head tells me its possible. As I translated the texts, there already are many game characters done by now…

This is all great!

One thing that’s been bugging me, though, since I started playing is that your relationship with enemy factions (Aetherials & Cthonians) will worsen over time and you can do nothing about it. So it’s basically a matter of time before it gets to the nemesis level. I don’t see the point here, as there is no choice.

Doing special good faction-given quests to get to unique gear, get special recognition, stuff like that, is absolutely wonderful! For an ARPG especially! But I just don’t see how the enemy factions play into this.

I would see that if you could do some quests that favour the bad guys. But that’s not planned, to my understanding.