Grim Misadventure #70: Build 25 Preview

“One-Shot Chests, which do not despawn correctly after being looted the first time.”

and that’s a problem how ?? :smiley:

yeah, well maybe he just doesn’t like completing quests, seeing a reward of 5000 xp and the not getting any of it

I understand it perfectly

I’ve got all these notes taking up inventory space, but I know if I read them now I get nothing for it
might as well just throw them on the ground
or never pick them up in the first place

can DoT’s crit?

No, and not with the proposed change either.

Can they miss like direct damage abilities?

once any DoT is applied it will continually deal damage until its duration is up, DoT ignores DA once applied. that said the direct damag part of a skill has to connect to apply the DoT

Awesome! Keep it up devs! :slight_smile: I read all the comments about the DoT update and agree with them…then I cringe in horror with the thought of the Jagged Wastes manticore packs shivers

Thanks for the update… Looking Nice forward to all of these changes, but especially dot and component changes.Very nice. Well done.

Great update! Any hints as to how much rep we will receive for one bounty? Or at least a range of rep rewards? :slight_smile:

Are the DoT components of a skill that does DoT and applies a DoT through %weapon dmg currently considered to be separate? For example, using Shadow Strike + Nidalla’s Justifiable Ends with a poison weapon? I feel like the poison damage should be added together and counted as a single DoT, because it is applied through a single skill, but I can see how differences in the duration would be a problem.

They are added together. In the case of having different durations, for example 50 poison for 3 seconds and 100 poison for 5 seconds, you will deal 150 poison for 3 seconds and then 100 for the remaining 2 seconds.

with this new patch, if you then hit with a default attack it would apply at 50% but wouldn’t be affected by the skill using weapon damage? they are from the same source but they would count as different sources for stacking purposes?

also, how does %weapon damage work on skills? if a skill does 50% would it only apply half the poison damage on your weapon? what about for other effects?

“One-Shot Chests, which do not despawn correctly after being looted the first time.”

I remember the good old times where that wasn’t an issue :stuck_out_tongue:

Great update btw, can’t wait for it!

Well, can’t wait.

Great job guys, really like the game. I have an opinion to put in game, what I find a bit of hard job, is when I get a new item and when I want to put a component on this item; the thing is, I have 2 bags full of components, and to find the right component, I have to be hovering the mouse over each of them. What about a search bar to highlight what I just typed?

That was a really good interview of Arthur Bruno! Awesome! I mean it was sympathic and informative! Well done guys. I think Grim Dawn will grow up to the best Action RPG we ever saw if it goes to the final release! Thanks alot! For me, its better as all Action RPG´s together in this early access status!

Wait, you guys use placeholder armor? I didn’t even notice

Most of it is above the levelcap. Aside from a couple things, most items we’ve had access to have had their final art done. I believe Maw of the Beast is the most recent item to receive its final item art.

in b25 the common, magical and rare items have been revisited and have new art on them :wink:
