Grim Misadventure #70: Build 25 Preview

Note that the Kickstarter release date for GD is only a estimate and Early Access Steam release dates are completely up to the devs.

Just some facts :wink:

edit: And it’s understandable to be disappointed with how long the development of the game. I’m sure the devs are rather frustrated in that regard as I’m sure they don’t want the game to continually be in development either. However I’m rather happy it is taking awhile longer as it gives the devs more time to flesh out the game and add in some details like the many changes to Act 1. If it release back in 2013 we’d have a hastily made game that wouldn’t do so well in sales I would imagine.

Well done! These changes are great. I am looking forward to the next release.

I do have some questions about this faction system:

  1. In multiplayer, will the quartermaster be available as long as one of the players reaches a certain level of intimacy with the town? Same for the nemesis system, will those ultra strong monsters spawn as long as at least one of the players has a nemesis status in that fraction?

  2. With the introduction of these new types of monsters, what will be the loot rate for these ultra strong monsters? Will there be two types of items: one type of items that will be dropped every time the monster is killed and the other type of items that will drop based on the RNG system? I think a guarantee items drop will create incentives for players to enrage those fractions such that they can kill those ultra bosses.

  3. What is the Devotion system? Will this build 25 contribute to the Devotion system?

  4. I recalled reading somewhere in the forum saying that augments will be introduced to the game. Will this be in build 25, build 26 or not sure yet?

  5. For those augments, do they only apply to weapons? Will there be another items that can be applied to armors, amulets, medal, and rings?

  6. As more stronger bosses are spawned, will it be nice to have stronger items being available to make the game more fun? I am thinking of having a higher level of components than rare components being available in those region where character has nemesis status with them so that players can upgrade their currently available armors by using stronger set of components. Perhaps having a quest saving an npc that can make armors and weapons of the character to put an extra component?

  7. I am thinking of another addition to the faction system is to reward character skill points for being more intimate to the town? How about reaching a certain reputation level of a town allow the character to hire npc to kill monsters with the character? I think this can help make the character stronger to fight against those ultra strong bosses. By doing this allow a specialized in physical damage character (high physic and piercing damage) to hire an npc that specialize in some magical attack (chaos, elemental, and etc). This will open more build options for players because now they can specialize in certain damage and hire npc to complement their other damage.

  8. How about the faction system also unlock certain skills for each class? When a new level of intimacy reach with a town, a character is rewarded to learn some of skills unlocked for those specific skills. For an example, there might be 5 skills available for each class, and a character is only allowed to learn 2 of the 5 skills. For those characters that have dual classes, they still can only learn 2 out of 10 skills.

I also added some suggestions in this post for developers to consider in future updates

Please reply so I know you heard me. I really love this game and would like to share my ideas to make this game even better. Stay on the rise and looking forward to the next update! :smiley:

I can experience the new content just as well on Characters that “need” the experience.

B25 will have some backend diagnostics that may help us figure out if the issue is in fact 32 bit systems or not. It’s an ongoing process.

Quartermasters are always up. You can shop with them as long as you meet the requirements. Nemesis spawns are based on the host’s reputation.

Nemesis spawns have a guaranteed random Epic Item, increased chance of rare Blueprints, and (in the future) an increased chance for Legendaries.

The Devotion system is an upcoming layer of character customization. It is not coming with B25.

Augments are coming with B25. They are sold by quartermasters.

Augments are applied to weapons and accessories.

indeed. Things look good.

I can understand that many of us, Crate themselves included, would like to see this game released in full as fast as they can reasonably work, but understand that these things take time and can end up with unexpected hitches, glitches, bugs and errors which take time to fix. There is also the much welcomed overhaul to DoT, that itself must’ve taken a fair bit of time to code and make sure it was working as intended, the new item artwork(which i am quite hyped for) and various things Zantai hasn’t revealed yet.

all of these things take time and when the team is, by my estimation 10 or 12 people, that’s not a whole lot of man hours to go around. I would also ask patience because the better Grim Dawn is polished and ironed out to be as smooth an experience as possible(after all who wants to patch a game on its first deal of release?) when it is done, the better the game will be received when it has a proper release, which in turn would lead to more sales(which at this point be profit for Crate), and a strong showing for them that they can deliver a game of superior quality, which would give them a solid fanbase(excluding us who have already put our faith in Crate) for future projects by them.

I can understand that playing the game bit by bit can feel boring, with the gaps between releases. if you burn yourself out on Grim Dawn take a break for a while play another game for a bit. The game will be done when it is done, and when it is we can look back with pride at how far Grim Dawn has come

I see several folks complaining about the release schedule, well personally I’m quite happy with it for Grim Dawn, the constant Development Updates are great and the content we have so far is very good.

Now if you want a bad game Kickstarter you should see Crayamore!, they gave a release date of 2014 now it’s been moved to Summer 2016!!!, few updates and only a little game content to play with.

I am most looking forward to the tweaks to components. Could one of the devs answer whether or not completion bonuses have been tweaked along with some base stats of components?

At the least I’d like spirit dmg components to only have spirit dmg completion bonuses, and physical dmg components having physical dmg completion bonuses. One could argue in the case of hybridizing your component but really there are better choices for physical and spirit dmg then having a component with phys and magic dmg.

I think it just psychologically feels better to know that the completion bonus is relatively likely to reward you.

I also find +energy to be terribad. Energy regen trumps base energy on everything I’ve seen. If you really need a boost in energy, plenty of affixes are available that far outdo components +energy. I’ve built a bunch of mages at this point and energy bonus has never been sought after once.

OK so i’m burnt out, i was farming reputation/Nemesis to be ready for next build and now i’ll just not touch this for a few months.

I wouldn’t have put the time in if i didn’t love the game and i think the issue is that even in early release GD feels like a complete game just without max level/gear/mobs/etc.
so that’s a complement to the team, even unfinished this game sucks me in and keeps me grinding.
I cant wait to see what full release bring’s.
ill check back in 9 months i guess, and see whats changed.

I still would argue for the hybrids… not sure what the better choice you hint at is

Yes, that does result in more random and therefore more unwanted completion bonuses, but it does not have to always roll an almost perfect bonus either, there are enough components dropping to not want to use every single one

Great work!! I really excited now.

I still have some question regard DoT stacking.

By from the same source.

Did you mean from the exact same skill or item, right?

What if I use 2 weapons with Plaguebearer’s, would the 2 poison novas stack with each other?

What about if I use Plaguebearer’s and
Malduin’s Cloth would those poison novas also stack?

Correct. Two weapons would be different sources, and those Nova’s would stack. Same with the robe and affix.

Great news! I’m really looking forward to B25 and the faction content. The other stuff is just icing on the cake. :slight_smile:

Very excited! :smiley:

Ok, one last question.

Does this change affect monsters, now can they stack DoT on us in B25?

It’s a change in mechanics and since monsters follow the same rules for mechanics as the player, yes, they will be able to stack DoTs on you.

How soon is soon? Like possibly today, B25? This week?

If only it was posted in the OP! LOL! I bolded and made it yellow in the quote.

Thank you all ! Great news ! You are all doing really good work ! Thanks again.

Originally Posted by Mersault1388 View Post
2) With the introduction of these new types of monsters, what will be the loot rate for these ultra strong monsters? Will there be two types of items: one type of items that will be dropped every time the monster is killed and the other type of items that will drop based on the RNG system? I think a guarantee items drop will create incentives for players to enrage those fractions such that they can kill those ultra bosses.

Zantai: Nemesis spawns have a guaranteed random Epic Item, increased chance of rare Blueprints, and (in the future) an increased chance for Legendaries.

Will there be any Nemesis monsters that drop M.I.s? (monster infrequents)