Grim Misadventure #70: Build 25 Preview

My pants are all steamy.

First off you cannot discount the faction system when looking at hours of new content. 2nd you are claiming that when B26 goes live there will only be 2-3 hours of extra content…Sorry but this is complete BS…I’m in the closed group and I’ve no idea how many hours of extra game time B26 will give, but I can promise you this B25 has added many, many hours of content to the game and you might find some new areas to explore if you hunt about.

So please don’t try to claim you know what future builds will or will not provide in hours of game play time.

I think it’s ok to talk here to since it’s an updrage about DOTs.
And yes Stun Jacks is already good because of Full Spread. My point is why adding a skill like Stun Jacks if no one put more than one point in it?

Just so you know, I kill bosses pretty quick in close range with that skill. In fact it takes maybe 2-3 secondes max. The mechanic of the skill is interesting, depending how far you click from your character it change how wide the spread is.

Clicking Close from you = centered attack into a very small zone … good against heroes and bosses.
Clicking Far away from you = does a wide spread for AOE damage.
–> And As I said, the skill scale pretty well with cast speed, even more considering the mechanic of it.

Then again, aften saying that, it prove than Stun Jacks is useless. I have 18 point into Fullspread though.
Still, it’s better taking another skill dealing more flat damage then maxing Stun Jacks. So along with Full Spread it’s better maxing Canister Bomb for exemple.

I think the mainpower of dots shouldn’t come from only one spammable dot skill. it comes from the combination of different electrocute skills in a stack and at this point this is what dot builds should make out in a difference to more flat related ones. At this point, yes, we need to have a straight look which dot related builds are possible now. This is something the Grim Dawn skilltree didn’t deal before this change (and so are we) because it’s purely to be called a brandnew mechanic/option now which leads to complete new build constructions. As for the points into Stun jacks… it always makes sense to rise the flat amount + its modifier from items. And if you go for Stun jacks as a source beside other dot related skills, then it makes sense to invest. You want to use Quick jacks dual use on range and close combat. Close as a flat monster and on range as a dot monster. Thats the crucial point. I think this is far too overpowered for a single skill when this mechanic would additionally be applied on a spammable skill.

By the time B26 goes live, not including it.

Obviously I don’t know what will happen in B25, but what has been eluded to and previewed, there is no new progressive content to explore. I am not talking grinding fame or infamy. From the New Year and up untill “July” when B26 hits, we would have gotten the second chapter of Act 3(which is probably 2-3 hours content) and the faction system as major additions. Again, that is 2-3 hours new act progression in 7 months.

You don’t need to be defensive because you are part of the inside group of testers. It’s not like I am even saying that it’s bad content, as I have said, I love the game. Still doesn’t make the wait any more sensible, at least for me. I’m sure I am not alone on this.

I have expressed my opinon and I don’t want to get into a drawn out discussion.

If some players find it good for some build then that’s great! But my point stand with Stun Jacks. The exemple given by Zantai are around skill dealing something else beside DOTs, Stun Jacks with Quick Jacks transmuter only does electrocute damage (no more stun which make sens, but the stun by defaut is the same no matter how many point into the skill even when not taking the transmuter). For exemple the skill Blade arc does %weapon damage + bleed damage + a % to knockdown the opponent. And I didn’t talk about the energy cost of it going up to a point it’s even worst putting more point in it! In fact you might lose effciency (like running around because of your mana potion on cooldown) by putting point into Stun Jacks because of the energy cost making you not able to cast it as much.

If the skill had a small amount of damage like pierce and/or crit damage and/or %weapon damage and/or a greater area damage along with the current electrocute damage then yes I might think about taking it. Right now for only electrocute damage, Stun Jakcs doesn’t worth it.

I begged. I pleaded. My faith was rewarded. Thank you so much guys. I am a teeny bit skeptical since you can stack a diminishing version of the same DoT on itself. But then I thought about how powerful the DoT affixes on items are.

I’ll take your word that DoT builds are viable now and I’m super excited to try some.

I always figured there should at least be a few DoT builds that could tread water with the rest. It does more than add a new playstyle, it makes DoTs across the board more interesting and hopefully make players think a bit more whenever they see DoTs from any source.

Thank you very much guys.

There is some new content that you unlock via the Faction System in B25.

To me B25 is an overall encompassing build that will effect the entire game. So yes it isn’t a new act or a lot of new content but it is adding another purpose for the game.

And even if they did release a new act, people would be able to finish it super quickly since they’ll be playing characters who are max level and are farmed up to have decent gear to handle anything. This is the issue with early access games - you get piece by piece content releases which makes it really easy to get bored with the game as opposed to a new person playing the game on release which will make it feel fresh/new and take a longer amount of time to finish it as they are inexperienced and lack gear/characters.

I would highly suggest finding something to preoccupy your time while waiting for the development of the game - otherwise it can easily get you on edge of being impatient on the speed of updates. In the end the game is getting a ton more then what was expected. I myself have several games that I mess around with from time to time (right now HotS, Killing Floor 2 and retrying PoE).

Sure it’s been delayed and development is rather slow (which they state on the buy now page) but I’d rather wait for a far more complete game which will receive more positive reviews and thus ensuring a future for the game/franchise (beyond 1 expansion) - rather then a lesser version of the game which would receive less notice/popularity and would probably get overlooked due to other games in the same genre.

so ? There is nothing that would nustify a level increase, hence there isn’t one.

If you can’t handle that, then wait until the game is released

any fix for win xp 32 bits?, all rlly good stuff coming, but cant play yet

This is pretty valid criticism, but remember that after they finish the main content of the game and have art for all their epic/legendaries, they are pretty much done. They said they have considered a “short act 4” but chapter 3 of act 3 is almost done, which I’m assuming is the last part of act 3. Getting elite and ultimate difficulties going after that is as easy as updating stats, adding several more epics/uniques, and rebalancing some skills.

My point is that they are actually a lot closer to release than it may look. Even though the level cap is only 40 and they have stated they want to go much higher than that, the new difficulties will add lots of content without really costing as much time. That’s why it’s a staple for arpgs to have multiple difficulties, because it adds content for relatively little effort.

level increase?

I’m currently playing on a windows Vista 32-bit OS laptop and am having no problems.

He’s referring to problems with XP 32-bit specifically, which a few people have reported since B24.

Doesn’t XP have the capability to run the game in compatibility mode?


Edit 2: heh, probably won’t help, got my a windows os’ out of order. :confused:

Vista is still a supported OS (to my amazement). XP is no longer a supported OS.

Really?! That is amazing. I’m only using this laptop because my Win 7 laptop died this weekend. :confused:

Yes, really. Support for windows XP was discontinued on April 8, 2014. This basically means that software support is going to become less and less common over time. XP will also become and honestly already is a massive security hazard. I’d urge anyone still using XP to consider upgrading because of this. If you wont/can’t then hopefully crate will take the time to fix whatever issue you are experiencing, but I really wouldn’t expect it.

Sano, can you tell me what really piss you off, because, honestly, I can’t get your point. Or better, I do get your point, but I don’t see how it would affect my gameplay (and your gameplay) at all.

Let me explain.

ARPG are about slaying monster, right? And once you reach max levee the only thing left to do is keep slaying monsters for a better drop, right? So, what’s the real difference if not for some numbers? At the end of the day you will be slaying the same monsters again and again even if you are lv 20, lv 40 or lv 75…

So, I don’t think it’s a gameplay issue here… are you disappointed as a customer because they promised something for a certain date and they couldn’t keep the promise?

Mind that I’m not a Crate fanboy, so I’m not defending them blindlessy… I simply really would like you to think on it with a different point of view… Will a complete release effectively change my gameplay? Will a complete release change my usual play day? Probably not… I will probably be killing the same monsters again and again… and again… that’s what ARPGs are about.

But yeah, if you are pissed off as customer because they couldn’t keep up a schedule… well, that’s a different matter.

Awesome to see Bosses getting a heal mechanic on kill. Would love to also see them reaggro on hit when leashing. Make them consider the spot that any attack happens on them as they are lumbering back the new leash spot and may the chase continue till the death!