Grim Misadventure #71: Act 4 Monstrosities

Grim Misadventures returns with a sneak peek at upcoming monsters! For those eagerly awaiting the release of Build 25 and all of its Faction improvements, better hold on to your seats as the build will go live later today!

In today’s Misadventure we have a sampling from the deepest pit of despair: the Art team. Feast your eyes upon the brutal beasties that await you in the snowy Asterkarn Mountains and the Necropolis beyond.

Chillmane Yeti

Every ecosystem has its apex predator, and the Asterkarn Mountains are no different. The Chillmane Yeti is a brute of a beast, towering over mere humans at over 12 feet tall. Their thick hides and dense fur shields them from the freezing cold of the mountains, but it is their claws and curved horns that keep other beasts at bay.

Highly-intelligent, the Chillmane rarely hunt alone, preferring to surround their prey in small groups before brutally mauling or goring it to death. Finding a lone Chillmane should grant no solace however, as a solitary Yeti is indicative of a deranged and wild specimen so far gone that it can no longer integrate with its pack. These individuals present the gravest danger to travelers through the Asterkarn Mountains.


Horror stories are told of men and women who had tasted human flesh and found themselves transformed into ghastly terrors focused only on finding their next meal. Human intelligence gives way to voracious animal-like instincts and the individual becomes little more than a mindless beast, a shadow of its former self.

These creatures quickly learn though that there are easier ways to feasts on humans than to hunt down living breathing morsels that fight back, and so they often find themselves in graveyards and tombs. After feeding on necrotic flesh for years, they begin to change physically until there is nothing left of their humanity. They become lanky, their skin an unhealthy tinge of grey covered with sores; their eyes glow a sickly yellow, attuned to the darkness of the crypt; and their saliva is filled with rot and disease. There are even rumors that a Ghoul’s bite will transform a healthy individual into another Ghoul, though more often than not the victim will come down with intense fever and vomiting.

Treasure hunters digging up old tombs should be wary of Ghouls infesting the burial sites, ever hungry for flesh.

Both the Chillmane Yeti and the Ghoul await you in the areas beyond Act 3. Are you prepared for these new challenges?

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 05/25/2015 for our regular development updates!

Attachment: Ghoul01.jpg
Attachment: Yeti01.jpg

Gorgeous monsters! :wink: Thanks for update!

Can’t wait for b25 going live!

This looks Neat as Heck!!!
yeah need b25 now!

Awesome! :smiley:

Well my Sh*$% work day has just gotten a lot better, thanks for that guys! Monsters look stupendous

Those look awesomely fierce…
As stated before can’t wait for new content!

Keep up the awesome work guys!

Tap, tap, tap,…
Hello, who is there?

Tap, tap,…
Oh, look a singel Yeti! Chillman Yeti!

Great Artworks!

Sweet, always love you guys artstyle, Cheers!

holy balls! :open_mouth:

Give me a gun and a yeti and we shall see who wins :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice work, lved the Yetis and those ghoul… although they kinda look like those troggs on act 3…

And did I read it right? Build 25 is comming today??? Because if so, I wanna french kiss you right now, Zantai!!! (no homo)


I’ve so wanted Yetis to make a comeback in GD. Gargantuan Yeti when? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ghouls are cool too.

Come on, B25, I need you right inside my PC. Right now, goddamn! So keen to create another video tutorial…Do not forget community texts and a changelog, folks!

So, hope act4 will be the most dangerous part of Cairn for a long time, bored by SoT…

Great new enemies! Artists should be allowed out of the pit more often, very nice work indeed.

Is this white haired gentleman a cave dweller, forest dweller, or does he like to stroll on high snow-capped peaks?

Looking forward to playing build 25 later today. Creatures look great as well!

Really excited about B25 coming, even if it may be too late for today for me here in Europe :stuck_out_tongue: but i’m really eager to see the faction system in action !

and i agree with Ceno, Yetis look awesome and are a nice reference to TQ :wink:

Great artwork! Looking forward to play Act 4!

My understanding from Grim Misadventure #70 is that Act 4 is in B26, which won’t happen until this coming July.

nice both, i hope someday can crush their heads

The last previous Gim Misadventure said that there will be ultra-bosses in areas where your faction is nemesis status. I hope that will keep you entertained for awhile :wink:

With the introduction of nemesis and epic items in this upcoming B25 today, I am looking forward to adjustment of builds in the build compendium II to fight those ultra-bosses! :slight_smile:

I can’t help but notice a similarity between these two…

THOSE HORNS ARE THE SAME, BY-GOSH. I’m not complaining.


B26 will be Act 3 Chapter 3, which is not Act 4.

B25 is the Faction system + more.

B26 is Act 3 part 3 which includes Kymon’s Chosen and Order of Death’s Vigil.

edit: The yetis in TQ look a lot nicer then the bloodthirsty monster in GD. Quite sure the GD one would win any fight against it’s TQ competitor lol.