Grim Misadventure #78: Art of Legends

Welcome back to Grim Misadventures, the premier source for Grim Dawn development updates. Last time we showed you some of the exciting improvements headed your way with Build 27; and as we get closer to the end of August, anticipation is running high for the addition of the game’s final Mastery. We are nearing the end of the line though as the last few bugs are ironed out and the Shaman is prepared for her live debut. Build 27 is on schedule for its release later this month.

But Build 27 is not the end. There is still more to look forward to beyond. Besides the release of Devotion, Act 4 and another roguelike dungeon, there is still an entire collection of equipment awaiting release. I’m talking, of course, about Legendary items.

Legendary items represent the pinnacle of power, matched only by some perfectly rolled double Rare items. However, unlike Double Rares, Legendary items come with pre-determined bonuses that will often defy convention with powerful bonuses to specific attributes or granted skills that turn over the balance of power (remember the Apocalypse?). Today, we would like to show you a first look at some of the art for Grim Dawn’s upcoming Legendaries.


Do you enjoy setting monsters on fire? Do you like doing it in style? Then the Hellborne, a rifle infused with living flame, will be just the weapon for you.

Demonslayer’s Jacket

All the Chthonians of the world will not slay themselves. Don this jacket, along with the rest of the fine Demonslayer’s set, and bring the pain to the denizens of the Void.

Shadowflame Mantle

Flames twisted with shadow were woven into the threads forming this caster armor. The fabric itself is still warm to the touch.

Bane of the Winter King

Sacred blade of King Hrothnar, ruler of the northern reaches and son of the great white wolf.

Didn’t find what the Legendary you’re hoping for? This is just a sample from over 240 Legendary items coming to Grim Dawn.

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 08/31/2015 for our regular development updates!

Attachment: Legendary_Hellborne01.jpg
Attachment: Legendary_ShadowflameMantle01.jpg
Attachment: Legendary_WinterKingsBane01.jpg
Attachment: Legendary_DemonslayersJacket01.jpg

These look great, especially Hellborne and Bane of the Winter King! Looking forward to these!

Aloah, awesome!

Been waiting for this update to come. They look awesome, can’t wait to see more of them.

Can’t wait for these… Summoner Legendary i can haz ? gives you all the cat gifs the interwebs has if you gives me this?

Looking really good~
And woha… 240 legendary items? Long months of even years of hoarding await me! And it does make me wonder what will be my first ever legendary item… I still remember when my first ever Athenas leg plates dropped in TQ :slight_smile:

over 240 Legendary items
Loads of toys :p…need more stash space. :wink:

Also Zantai … your a terrible person for teasing us with the artwork and none of the stats… I cry inside …

Looks great guys. I’d really like to see the Demonslayer’s too please. :frowning: I’d post a pic of the problem, but the forum’s lost the attachment icon too. :mad: Downloaded the latest Flash Player this morning so maybe that’s causing trouble.

I could see the image of the jacket, until after I posted my reply and I’ve not seen it since…not my fault …honest :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome!! :smiley:

The jacket is gone for me as well. I suspect some editing going on, maybe the wrong jacket shown? :slight_smile:

Edit: And now its back. :undecided:, but :slight_smile:

Thses weapons are beautiful, love the design.Especially the Bane of the Winter King pommel (with the wolf head) because I find swords, axes and maces really satisfying to look at !

Looks very good! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes! I can see it now. Thanks.

They look fantastic, love the artwork. Can’t wait to wield a legendary shield and ofcourse the rest.

Whoa! The blade & rifle look badass! :smiley:


Great to hear that some of these items could be build defining.

loving the gun and all artwork. 31 can’t come sooner :slight_smile:

While I usually play melee and would love the sword…the caster shoulders are just stunning insert drooling smiley