Grim Misadventure #80: Art of Legends 2

Grim Misadventures returns. Last time, we took a peek at some of the environments you will be headed to in the Act 4 finale. Your journey will take you through snowy peaks and pristine valleys as you march towards the Black Legion stronghold, Fort Ikon, and the Necropolis beyond. But as you face ever tougher foes and achieve higher levels, you will need weapons and armor to protect you from the dangers ahead.

Over 240 Legendary items are coming soon to Grim Dawn (see the first reveal) and with them comes power long forgotten in the world of Cairn. We are sure you are all eager to get your hands on the highest tier of equipment in the game, and today we would like to show you more of the items you will be able to hunt for:

Grim Fate

This blade once burned with divine flame, but has since become corrupted by the hungering Void. Now it thirsts for a chance to spread its corruption.

Abyssal Mask

Carved from the bones of Chthonic fiends, this mask has known many owners, all of whom were known for their incomparable mastery of the occult, and all of whom were eventually hanged for their knowledge. Thankfully you already got the hanging part out of the way.

Vestments of the Great Guardian

Robes of the high priest of Dreeg, charged with safeguarding the witch god’s earthly concerns.

Wyrmscale Footguards

The creature that supplied these scales is believed to be long extinct.

Beacon of the Winter’s Veil

Even holding this weapon fills you with a deathly chill. You can only imagine what it does to those it strikes.

Many Legendaries still await. Good fortune on the item hunt.

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 09/28/2015 for our regular development updates!

Attachment: Legendaries_AbyssalMask01.jpg
Attachment: Legendaries_BeaconofTheWintersVeil01.jpg
Attachment: Legendaries_GrimFate01.jpg
Attachment: Legendaries_WyrmscaleFootguards01.jpg
Attachment: Legendary_VestmentsofTheGreatGuardian01.jpg
Attachment: crystallum.jpg

That mask is very nice

Great looking items.

stop torturing me, release the game at once!

LOL! Looking forward to these. The hammer looks especially cool! :cool:

Awesome Update, I can´t wait for the legendaries. Maybe we see them in october :D? I think, i would prefer the Vestments of the Great Guardian…

Soooo when is Crate going to open a shop to sell these as collectables. :slight_smile:

Looking great… can’t wait!

Looks solid. Some of them could use a little flair to stand out I guess, seeing as they are legendaries.

that mask and chest piece are freaking awesome!

That Abyssal Mask is sweet. Time for you guys to get a 3D printer running and make us up some of those :wink:

more like they are all awesome!

gets towel to soak up the puddle of drool

Keep up the great work, Crate :cool:

Gratz. They are looks cool. Maybe you can give us some details (stats, skills etc…) about legandaries as example. We deserve this. :slight_smile: Very hard to wait them.

I require that mask on every build I make. +15 to Style.

god, more good stuff and i still can not play

aweeeeesome!can wait for the great loot of them,and honestly I hope there will be more classes in the future version,so tons of builds can gen with diff play styles;)i will also expect that each lengendary item has diff item skill ,by then,i can make a special build only depends on it like D3,u know

These new items all look damn sexy. Hopefully they will add more variety and cover some of the itemization issues there are currently in the game.

Looks like Zantai became lazy.