Grim Misadventure #91: Oh How Far We've Come

And so we are here, at a Grim Misadventure that may go down in the history of Grim Misadventures. Writing this one felt strange, even though we always knew it would come, the GM that marks beginnings and ends. Build 31 is now in the final stretch of testing, its release impending. This is it, the last big build before we prepare Grim Dawn to leave Early Access behind and graduate to Full-Release status.

You may be wondering, what does impending really mean? Well, we’re not even going to make you scroll down to the bottom of this post. Wonder no more as Build 31 is…coming…later…today! With our biggest changelog ever, this one is one update you will not want to miss.

Grim Dawn has gone far from its humble beginnings. Some of its oldest assets have seen the biggest changes, and today we have a treat for the Occultist players out there. With Build 30 we gave the Raven familiar a facelift, and the poor flame puppy was left behind. With Build 31, he will be joining his winged friend with an art overhaul.

Hot Stuff

Looking back at some of the oldest shots of the game, it is difficult to deny just how far Grim Dawn has come. We dug deep for these, hope you enjoy the before and after of Build 0 and Build 31.

Main Menu

The Beginning



Now that we’ve walked down memory lane, there is still the small matter of the release. Stay tuned as we continue to work on the full release. Announcements coming posthaste!

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 03/07/2016 for the next Grim Misadventure.


World Map


That hellhound looks amazing.

I’m so excited!!!

can’t wait. gimme, gimme, gimme~

Nice looking art for the Hellhound. :slight_smile:



Oh GOD. I am so happy. :D:D
I cannot even find a proper word to describe my hypeness.

I love you all, Crate team.

Love the new hellhound look! Can’t believe B31 and GD’s graduation will happen later today! Grats Crate!

Holy moly now that brought back old days! haha. Congratz to you guys for this huge accomplishment! I am so excited for B31. Very happy for you guys who started this from a funding campaign and completed it! So many do not complete what they start. I look forward for the future of grim dawn!

Expansionssss :slight_smile:

This update makes me both sad and happy at the same time. A journey is coming to an end, a very bittersweet moment.

I feel proud to have been a small part of this forum and something as great as the development of Grim Dawn. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling this way.

You guys really stuck with it and you set a new standard for how it’s supposed to be done. What more is there so say, other than; Congratulations!

It’s a special day.

A hell hound overhaul is really great though
A previous hell hound seemed like a red version of those frog monsters you get to kill in the swamp. :wink:

I AM SO PUMPED! I think you (the whole development team) should be proud of yourselves, you’ve done an amazing job! GD has come so far!

b31 today? OMG I can’t wait!

Holy hell! Someone post when the download is available on steam so I can start it remotely!

Can’t wait to read those patch notes!

It would be interesting to know what they are preparing for our next project - WE VERY MUCH HOPE THAT the CONTINUATION of GRIM DAWN, that IS, the SECOND PART of THIS GAME!!! MORE + THE EXTENSION WILL BE, AND LET’S HOPE THAT NO ONE, NOT HOW MUCH!!!

It was a long process, great to know B31 is coming today, know waiting for the changelog :).

I can’t wait to read patch notes! :smiley:

I knew B31 was coming today as I just got 2 legendaries from one mob (second time in my whole time playing) and a third one 5 minutes after that.
Was just about to write a post to announce that when I read Grim Misadventures 91!


Need the patch notes §§§§§§§§§§

@Zantai, and the rest of the crew - you guys are amazing! Simply amazing!
Thank you for giving me 400 whole hours and still going strong! I play the game on a daily basis, the only game im currently playing to be honest for months now. Not to mention the new friends i got to meet via the multiplayer sessions.
Between the hospital and my PC lately, this is what kept my mood in check and kept me going through some really rough months. Thank you for this wonderful piece of work!