Grim Misadventure #94: Something Stirs within the Shadows

Sounds cool!

I’m predicting that you’ll either choose to join up with the Witch Gods or a new Inquisitor faction, who are waged in an ongoing battle against each other.

…and later on Inquisitor becomes released as the awaited ranged mastery, who dual-wields pistols and also handles “appropriated” occult artifacts (Like Creed!) to bolster themselves in their hunt for heresy :slight_smile:

So I take that this is confidential, right? :wink:

Either that, or we’re having some lack of communication here… :eek:

This idea receives the Snazz seal of approval

Nice news :cool: i LOVE Grim Dawn !

Ah hell yeah, modding tools AND more content, for free? Amazing.

180mb steam update last night I think the time is near :wink:

edit: feelsbadman

That was just a redistributables update. Tons of different games got it.

OMG i knew it. i just ran into the “shrine of the forgotten god” the other day and was admiring the stone carving, and thinking hmm that might make a good expansion.

nailed it. and you guys promise more news on 4-18? i know what that’s like as a creative director, you guys are working your asses off.

kudos on a game that continues to amaze and being the first ARPG to feature so much character customization you can basically call it player generated content- the holy grail of game development.

now i gotta work on my chaos knight some more.

Yeah, we’re having a thread on the subject here:

Hm, the Witch Gods are anything but forgotten.

That’s what I kinda said in the other thread! You’re not going to tell me, though, that the same statue design is used both for the Witch Gods and for… other gods? :smiley:

Maybe I should go back to my Chton conclusion. :rolleyes:

Arrg the suspense is killing me :rolleyes: Hmm perhaps some really old witchgod.

I hope we will have a release date for the modding tools.

herps mcderpe derp

now that i look closely at the carving it seems the “forgotten god” isn’t one of the three. the plot thickens !

any new’s on when it’s out and thanks!