Grim Misadventure #95: Secrets of the Three

Free content can still be considered a DLC tho.

I require further testing.

I was going to ask if DoT from the %wep dam portion of a skill would effect proc chance, but I just tested it and DoT added via %wep dam doesn’t proc devotions at all. So now my question is why doesn’t it?

He is just riding the tiger.

… NOT IN THAT WAY! Geez! :smiley:

My guess is he is the embodiment/inspiration for the summoner part of the occultist tree, while Solael is the Chaos/Life Drain spellmaster and Dreeg the master of poison, eyes and diseases.

I am still curious just what these guys are in relation to Ch’thon. They too are Chaos-aligned, but probably not allied with them.

Ch’thon seems to be the “dying” god, so I’m wondering if there was some feud in the days of old and maybe there was four of them and he kinda got “banished” or something.

Who is the forgotten god? As seen on the stone image in the shrine of the forgotten god. The missing eldritch god? The “ruler” of the three witch gods?

The devotion chance stuff sounds interesting. Real good thing to improve non spammable abilities.

I just ask myself… Why that complicated? Why not, I know I said it way to often, not a 100% chance and regulate it with a proper cooldown?

For example, how are secondary entities like summons, totems etc. handled that way, as they have often more than one additional ability that influences trigger chances?
Problems there could be circumvented that way too.

Who carved those stones?

Ch’thon was cut up into a million pieces by his fellow gods (possibly Korvaak, whom Kymon’s Chosen are unwittingly being aided by - thinking instead that they are worshiping Empyrion - in their fight against Ch’thon’s cultists) and his blood used to create all life (hence the cultists raving on about how all the world’s blood must be returned to him; to them every physical being is living on his blood). As I understand it, this is the equivalent of our world’s “big bang” (or God if you’re religious): all life started from this event.

The Forgotten God is believed to be Empyrion but revealed to be Korvaak, an ancient god older than the witch gods who has some serious beef with Ch’thon.

when will we be receiving this update on Steam? I normally refrain from asking release dates, etc., but with it already being available elsewhere, it does prompt me to ask. will be available later this month. The update isn’t available on GoG, an early version of the devotion changes just slipped into the GoG release build.

Interesting. Thanks for the swift response, Nine!

IMO it should be explicitly said to be DLC.

Oh thank god, the change in proc chance is reflected in the tooltip. I was afraid this would end up like proc coefficients in Diablo 3 where I have to keep referring back to some community-developed online chart to work out actual proc chances.

Whoa. Sounds like the cultists are not even wrong. I wonder how the Aetherials factor into all this given that they were complaining about the local gods screwing things up (starting cinematic).

Is this explained in the game somewhere?

I might be wrong here, but iirc the Aetherials were actually the gods’ creations/servants from before they had access to Ch’thon’s blood (and thus, before they had the ability to create physical beings of flesh) hence the actual Aetherials themselves being what we would call “spirits” or “wraiths”. Once the gods were able to create humans and animals from Ch’thon’s blood, they discarded the Aetherials to another dimension, hence the Aetherials disdain for mortal life.

Really the ones in the wrong are the “younger gods” - they betrayed Ch’thon to eternal suffering so they could craft themselves new servants from his lifeblood, and discarded their old servants once they had the tool to make new ones. As I understand it, the Aetherials have it out for humans because of this history, and the cultists - who are no longer being held down by the empire’s witch hunters/inquisitors - seek to prevent Aetherials gaining control as it will mean Ch’thon never having his blood returned to him (for which every physical being must be killed). :eek:

Final point: this is all taken from years of following GD (with a keen interest in its lore); I am not sure what parts of the above can be confirmed in-game but I am 90% sure all of the above is from the developers themselves. :wink:

Cool, man, thanks for the info!

+1 to you, my friend. That fills in a few potholes of the story.

updates looking great! thanks!

You mean plot holes? lol

And yes, I agree–that was useful information. If I didn’t know that, I’d still be clueless as to why the Aetherials are trying to kill people and who the heck those crazy ritual sorcerers are.