Grim Misadventures #0: Greetings from Zantai!

Welcome aboard! It’s nice to see things picking up speed. And of course I’m very curious to read about your mishaps :wink:

durutti - are you ok?

I think durutti needs some major therapy, we need a councillor in here stat!!

That’s good to know. You remember something called the TriBeer™? I wonder if Arthur made you test it :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, then let me tell you about my complete D3 experience, from start to finish:

That friday evening, after getting past all those Error something problems, I created a Wizard as my first character, ready to play through the whole weekend, which I did keep free of any other obligations.
Half an hour later I found myself thinking about doing something else, since D3 bored the shit out of me. But I dragged on, until somethink like two or three hours into the game. Just after I had killed the Skeleton King, I gave up and watched a DVD instead.
Saturday noon, after deliberately wasting some hours instead of playing, I decided to have a look at the Barbarian. And as a matter of fact I found melee combat to be much more enjoyable than the Wizards spells. But the effect wore thin pretty fast, an I felt pretty bored again.
Then I uninstalled the Beta, canceled my pre-order of the Collectors Edition on Amazon, and spent the rest of the weekend playing Path of Exile beta, and enjoyed it very much.

Welcome Zantai, my polish designer friend!

I hope your modder talent brings new life to GD!

Keep up the great work!

Welcome Zantai!

Since you have a modder background, have you ever worked on any TQ mods or maps?

Welcome aboard! I look forward to laughing WITH you on your misadventures!

@Bleh, I have not had a chance to experience the TriBeer yet.

@hooby, Path of Exile, eh? And what are your thoughts on that?

@LeonResEvil2, I toyed with the TQ editor back in the day, but never released anything. I was busy with other projects at the time.

Welcome aboard Zantai. :slight_smile:

Sing with us: “Polska biało-czerwoni”! :smiley:
tip for those who live in cave and don’t use TV -->(UEFA EURO 2012)

Welcome aboard former neighbour, Zantai,

Glad to have you here with us! =)

Oh and congrats to your new job! =)

It’s pretty good. Not perfect, but definitely one of the better Diablo-Clones currently out there.

Going into detail shall require more time than I currenty have, and more space than I should use up in this thread - so I’ll probably create an own thread for that, later this evening, when I’m back home.

Maybe we can get the State of RI to host the upcoming MMO on a DMV server :slight_smile:

Now, thereyou have it. You totally asked for it! ^^

Glad to have you on board, and congrats for being part of this project.

It’s looking better by the day.

Yes please yes please yes please!

Welcome :] -four days later-

LOL, yeah same here, 4-days and 8 pages late :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, Hi-Ya Zantai.

Burger King fries are better than McDonald’s frys…

Congratulations on surviving the Studio 38 blowup. It’s great to see that more people are gonna be working in Grim Dawn and I can’t wait to read your development updates.:wink: