Greetings from Cairn! The sun is shining, the creatures of the forest are stirring, and life is good! Scratch that. There are thunder clouds looming, the creatures are out to eat us, and life as we know it has been redefined by zombies. But don’t mind me. How are you doing on your comfy Earth? Zantai here, bringing you another update into the development of Grim Dawn.
With my earlier work destroyed by rampant fire FXs, the origin of which we are still investigating, I turned my attention to the rest of the zone. Where there is a graveyard, there are people. It turns out that people live in things, particularly homes. Our modular house parts make home building really easy and awesome. Talk about cheap construction costs! As long as you don’t mind the blood stains, burn marks, and broken roofs, you can just move right in. No takers? Alright.
A feature of the editing tools that assists in putting together the modular homes is the grid. All assets can be snapped to the grid for easy alignment (this includes walls, doors, floors, zombies, and small satellites). However, if you ran into the zone with all the homes neatly aligned, you’d think you entered a block in Manhattan (hint: blocks in Manhattan are in a grid) rather than a small village in the mountains. But that’s easy to fix, you say? Sure! Let’s just select the entire house and rotate it. Just remember to turn the grid off first…You forgot to turn the grid off, didn’t you?
This is a house. Note its fine layout, as if designed to perform its duty as a place of safety and small children.
This is a house after rotating it with the grid toggled on. Note its lack of function as a house.
Having turned the houses into a jigsaw puzzle, my work there was done. It turns out that Cairn isn’t just graveyards and ruined villages. There are dark secrets to be uncovered, but also places that survived the grim apocalypse. Whether those places are safe is another story.
Disclaimer: the following images are work in progress and may not reflect the final product. Viewing these images may stimulate ocular sensors and inspire joy. Side effects may include curiosity, replies, and out of body experiences.
I’m sure this turned out well.
To be added later: fires!
This is the part where I disappoint you and say: That’s all for today! Check back on 07/22/12 for another tantalizing update!
Attachment: House - sized.jpg
Attachment: House Rotated - sized.jpg
Attachment: Circle - sized.jpg
Attachment: Nature - sized.jpg