Grim Misadventures #7: This One is Mine

Apologies for the delay to your regular broadcast. Those responsible have been tortured and maimed. Now back to the news:

Hello and welcome to Grim Misadventures! Zantai reporting with an update that is 105% (+/- 5%) elected by the community. With a majority that would make presidential candidates jealous, epic items won last week’s poll with 66.04% of the votes submitted.

Epic items in Grim Dawn are the first tier of our hand-crafted itemization. These are powerful rare items with strong themes and some unique effects. While they may not always be better than a rare quality item, seeing blue on the screen should be a moment of happy fun times. As of now, all epics planned for the alpha stage have been theorized, calculated, morphed, forged, teleported, and stamped. That’s good stuff!

In case you are wondering, that’s 81 delicious items ready to drop from just about anywhere*. Epic items will begin at level 10, but you may see them drop sooner if the luck of the roll is with you. Without further delay, we will let the items speak for themselves.

*Items will not drop just about anywhere. But they sure do drop all over the place!

Disclaimer: the following names, stats, requirements, and more stats are work in progress and may not reflect the final product. Complainers will be thoroughly mocked.

These items do not yet have their final art. You can hurt the slacker artists (Please don’t hurt the artists. They’re not slackers.).

First in line: Maiven’s Lens. Arcanist pride!

What’s the set bonus? I don’t know (I do know). Moving on!

Next, we have the mysterious Orwell’s Revolver. Pew, pew!

Proving once again that the only good way to deal with a heretic is with lightning strikes.

Incoming, the vicious Bloodreaper’s Claw!

What? More set bonuses? I’m looking at them right now. Sweet stats!

Last, but not least: Razorback’s Spined Mantle. Skinned bone rats make fine armor. Who knew?

This here is an example of a hero monster item. These types of items will drop with an increased frequency from the named hero monster, but will still have a chance to drop from the general item pool. Let the hunt commence!

That’s all for this week’s batch. Some interesting topics brewing down the line, but for now we would like to continue this series of elected content previews. Please take a minute to vote on what you wish to see next. I promise no repeats (I think, maybe…probably?). See you on 9/30/12!

Attachment: Item 1.jpg
Attachment: Item 2.jpg
Attachment: Item 3.jpg
Attachment: Item 4.jpg

Hurt the slacker artists for not providing art for these!! (Even one?) lol

Yup those look interesting and i just love the fixed stats… we want more!

Thx for the update Zantai!

“The old priest wasn’t known for his peace talks.” - I love fluff text :slight_smile: The in-game font still hurts my eyes, but the items seem to offer an interesting array of choices.

I do love the character portrait also :slight_smile:

I want the Bloodreaper set, I might even wear it for my pj’s :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh gorgeous~ I love sweet loots~Great works great job!

Now for the pool. Easy choice. We got to see the monster camp previously. I want to see what drop from them. Now i got to see the drops, now i want to see the monster to kill. After seeing the monster, I want to know the drops again! Repeat.

So, next episode, Hero Monster! Bring them to the stage!

looks amazing, those items are really nice, I can’t wait to start collecting them

Howsabouts next thread you show us some set bonuses? Please?

I was going to say much the same thing.

Also, I am really glad to see that the abilities that activate on hit, on attack provide more information now, including cooldown time more than anything.

I know the info in the screenshots may not reflect the final product, but just in case it does, you have a typo in Orwell’s Revolver.

“The old priest wasn’t know for his peace talks.”

The “known” is missing an “n”.

Other that every looks awesome!

Good stuff, Zantai. I may have to have a “peace talk” with that old priest.

Also, can we get some details on the torture and maiming administered to those responsible for the delay?

Lookin good, but that old priest must be crazy to let go of that weapon. lol

unless he died and the revolver went into the hands of the enemy?

I really appreciated in TQIT that very occasionally an item would drop that was a few levels above the player. It was a real incentive to play on and incredibly satisfactory to finally deploy armour or weaponry that made a tangible difference, for a short while at least, to the quality and amount of smiting you could perform.

Your comment concerning, “luck of the role” seems to suggest that this might also be true of GD.

From the description, he must have made plenty of enemies in his lifetime, and eventually one of his enemies killed him.

I dont really care about the stats on the Epics…I just wanted to see the items! :cry::cry:

well I guess we just have to wait there, its easier to come up with the stats for a weapon and amour then it is to make the thing, still, I hope we do see some of the art for the said items at some point, but more likely once the game is in alpha and some of the items drop

I love fluff-text. It is one of the most amazing tools to create an immersive atmosphere but sadly it’s rarely used on items or ability-descriptions. I loved that about magic the gathering cards even though I never played that game.

Looking great. Loving Maiven’s Lens.

Always, ALWAYS appreciate updates and info posts like this so do please keep them coming! :smiley:

Glad to see you can start getting set items and super spiffy gear even at low levels - lets just hope they are good for a decent amount of levels and you won’t just out level’em super fast. I know the first 20 levels can go by preeeetty fast in all ARPGs. :rolleyes:

Looking great!

I happened to note there isn’t space between <Skill Name>(Activates when hit). Little things, little things!

Can’t wait to see more hero monsters.