[GrimTools] Build Calculator

Yeah, this happens to all DOTs in skill modifiers.

There are rounding issues there, but there’s also a bug with the number of item properties that affect this formula which I still didn’t figure out yet.

When we have new things at Build Calculator?i just cant wait.

From yesterday’s stream:

"TruGrzybas : any news / ETA on items and devotions update for grimtools ?

I’m going to say soon. I think the next build we’re going to push to playtesting will have everything so that is when Dammit, the creator of grimtools, will have access to that data and shortly after that we’ll probably give him permission to upload it to you."

Neat ! i’m waiting for it almost as much as for the release date :smiley:

if u have any new update at website, pls tell us.
just can’t wait,my friend.

Build calc was updated with FG content.

yep,i have find this ,and can i know when the off-line update ?
and very tks u .

Thank you so much!

There is now 107 atribute points and 248 skill points (previously 105-244). There is nothing in Checklist to say where you get it, but I cant wait to find out. Anyway 2 atr. and 4 slill points seems small but it will help a lot with one point wanders.

Offline version was updated.

Thank you !and if it have new update ,please tell us.


Calc/item db were updated with the latest data from playtest branch.

What you do is really appreciated bruh, cheers

He does so much and no one pays him for that… I bet Zantai is behind all this. :mad:

I’m joking.

Hey, Dammit, seems Darkblaze Incinerator’s granted skill doesn’t enable the ability to dual wield ranged weapons. May you fix this?

I don’t see any problem. Why do you think it doesn’t grant dw?

Swap pistols and look at Weapon Attack. Every time it different.

attack speed and lifesteal have never worked properly in GT afaik