[GrimTools] Build Calculator

Offline versions:

Item db: x32 | x64

Build calc: x32 |x64

I have no idea when the site will be back up. The hosting support is kinda slow and at this point I just wanna get access to the files and latest db backup so that I can move to another hosting. Then there will be some time spent for setup, so there’s a chance it won’t be up today. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.

Edit: dropbox links were blocked, added google drive instead.

Crate’s hosting sucks sometimes too, giving 502 for 4-8 hours :smiley:
It’s ok, I’ve found another hosting already, I’m just waiting for access to site data.

THANK YOU for the offline version. Just wondering how to deal with the window oversize problem. The window toolbar just blocking the toolbar of the Offline calc toolbar and I just don’t know how to make it smaller

Hi,Dammitt. I write this from Japan.
So my english is broken… sorry:o.
Always I enjoy your GrimTools,so much much thanks for you:D.

Now I do Patreon for your GrimTools,but it’s so little bit.
Next month I will more pay for it,for GrimTools survive.

Keep going;).

Was it on basic hosting (not VPS)? They will totally shut it down when it reaches a certain load, been there before.

An offline version would be really nice!

Getting hit with error 429 - Too many requests on the dropbox links :frowning:

Dropbox links were changed to google drive, updated the post above.

There’s more than enough donations to cover server costs, so there’s no need to donate if you are tight on money. Thanks for your support

Yeah, it was on vps before but then moved to shared because bandwidth was growing and it’s not unlimited. Now I’m going to move to vps on another hosting with unlimited bandwidth.

Tks a lot :wink:

Thanks man, you’re a badass.

how can we open a predefined build ?

I tried the option “load build from link”, but it says “please wait” forever.

Maybe cuz …

I guessed so, but I hoped the offline software could load a build without needing access to the website.

BTW the question was “How”, not “Why”

Hi, the site is down and none of the offline version download links are working for me.

Can anyone dropbox it and let me download it from them? Thanks


pow, i SWEAR I had just tried those links and they didn’t work!

Whatever you did, though, thanks. LOL I got it now.

Welp :smiley:

€: Tried to download the Calc

please map offline ver…:confused:

All tools are gradually coming back online. Currently they are running on two servers, the old one and the new one, because dns wasn’t fully propagated yet.
“Static” tools (item db, monster db, pet db and checklist) are all available and map will be up shortly.
Build calc is not yet available because there are issues with the database, but hopefully it will also go up later today.