[GrimTools] Item Database

dammitt it looks like some got mixed up in the last update
hyram and vinelton tags seem like they disappeared so looking up blueprints doesn’t show as sold by them

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ll look into it.

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I was busy with other stuff, so didn’t manage to provide a fix quicker.
The issue is now fixed. Apparently there was an OS-specific bug with paths in db tool builder that happened after I migrated away from Windows. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Once again sorry for taking so long to fix it :frowning:


no worries, just glad we have GT in the first place :+1:
appreciate the work as always Dammitt :hugs:

I’ve been seeing some minor issue on both my laptop and PS4 that sometimes a message update patreon info appears and you then have to refresh to get to Grim Tools.

Mythical Open Hand of Mercy always had incorrect Damage Reduction scaling. It’s supposed to be 8% - 12% now.

The last change

was actually

according to Grim Dawn Version

I’ll look into it. Maybe diff is wrong, idk. Can you post a screenshot from in game showing reduced targets’ damage less that 11%?

Hm, this shouldn’t happen :confused:
I’ll investigate this in the next few days and get back to you.

Not a problem / consistent thing the way I use Grim Tools, just informing

GDStash, Patch Notes and the following screenshots from all imply 8% - 12% range

This should be fixed now.

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Can you join the “Achievements” column here?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: [GrimTools] Build Calculator

Noob question: What does these lines mean and the percentages beside it?

They resemble the file structure and drop chances of loot that drops from Alkamos

  • first 3 vertical lines mean there’s a 30% chance for 100% chance for 100% chance
    so basically just 30% to get one of those things on the right of the first 3 vertical lines

    • that’s why the percentages on the right sum to 30%

The percentages on the right are the true chances to get those, so you really get Touch of Anguish 2.45 times per 100 Alkamos kills

  • if there are multiple things just after a single line - only one of them can drop
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Thanks once again!

I have a problem and I don’t know, if it is “issue” with Grim Tools, or a proper behaviour of crafted belt.

The trouble is: I planned a build with “Bysmiel Lethal Girdle” - green belt, which can or needs to be crafted. But I can assign only prefix or suffix, BUT NOT BOTH of them. Does it mean that crafted belts or any other stuff has only one “affix”?

The build is disponible at this link: Trickster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Thanks for any relevant reply!

if Grim Tools allows only 1 affix it’s the same in-game

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crafted items, where base item is rare can only get 1 affix
stoneplates etc is base magick, so it can get 2 affixes like normal drops


Am I doing something wrong here or is there an issue with search? I’m checking for augments to use, but when (for instance) I search for “Fire Damage” (with or without quotes), I only get a limited list of augments (Voidvine powder missing as an example)

The reason is Grim Tools cannot list more than about 500 results, more will be missing.
Fire damage is super common term and there are far more results than that.

Here are different methods how to search for these augments:

  1. “Fire Damage” “augment”

  2. Regex as follows

  3. Advanced search


  4. Searching in build calc for things meant for separate slots