[GrimTools] Item Database

I’m unable to search gear by a certain bonus anymore…

When I type “fire damage” in the search box, it used to show me all gear that had fire damage, but now it will show 0 results.

EDIT: NVM, I guess this is because of the new advanced search feature. Still, it’s a bit annoying that it can’t work like it used to now.

It still works the same. Instead of using the advanced searching, use the old one.

Hey just curious, the grimtools default avatar seems to be wearing the same hood and spaulders as the Emissary which can’t be found anywhere in the database. I’m guessing you can’t unlock these transmogs ?

Yes, that’s correct.

Is there a way to filter augments and components by type/item slot in advanced search?

Nope, your best bet would be just to go to the item category you are interested in and click on “Augments” or “Components” tab to find stuff relevant to selected category.

The search doesn’t show Mythical Leviathan.

There’s a search results limit, that’s the cause.

Couple more such posts and I will disable basic search, cause all of a sudden it became unintuitive and people cant read.

To be honest, the new searching is kind of hard to use. Not that it’s complicated or anything, but searching for what you want just takes too much time. I still use the old search when I look for a particular skill or conversion, which is used mostly by me. Also, when searching in the new, you have to press “search” with your mouse, which is annoying to me as I hate using mouses in general and I am slow at it.

Please don’t, advanced search has too many buttons for trying to just get quick results on stuff what really are basic searches. Both searches have their uses.

Maybe add a message under the “Search results for query” along the lines of: Searches have a limit of 1000 entries so not all items may be displayed. Please refine your keywords for more accurate returns."

(but then you run into that problem again where people don’t read :p)

please please dammit…
I really need grimtools and item database updated so I can play again… :frowning:

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for some reason when i search “casting speed” seal of annihilation doesn’t show up in the components
the item still shows if you just browse components though

Hi dammit! Thank you for silently updating the offline version… :stuck_out_tongue:

After i try to watch Legendary Set Items Changes - site stop working properly until i reload main page and still show no info about set item changes. Try it in 2 different browsers - nothing works.

I can second this bug. When clicking on “item sets” under “changes”, the website freezes.

Thanks for letting me know, I don’t know what’s causing it, but I’ve edited obfuscated script file and seems like the issue is fixed.

Good day @Dammitt . I don’t know, maybe this has already been offered. Please add a wish list to the item database, with the ability to save, search, tied to the login. I think it would be very helpful! :brain:

offline? hope it’s just getting updated!