Grimtools update: theorycrafting thread

Necromanser looks rather underwelming=( I cant figure out how to use him exept for Pet builds.
Out of his abilities Ill omen is extremly weak and useless. Spectral wrath is melee only and unreliable. And Harbringer of souls is strictly inferior to Master of Death.
I wanted to build Ocultist+Necro as poision caster, but now it dosent seems like a good idea >_> I hope Crete would buff necro with some DMG outside od pets :roll:

You need to se gear i guess too. Cadence/Blitz Aether Death knight (S&B or 2h), Cold damage 2h Reaper (is sweet), various vitality casters with necro+shaman/occultist, This is just off the top of my head but there are many other possibilities.

Spectral Wrath is not melee only. If something sneezes at you, they get hexed in AoE. Spreads really fast.

Ill omen is not for damage. It firs of all spreads like pox and as a Cd so procs devotions really nice and the phys debuff can be very strong, as phys damage is quite a thing in xpac vs lvl 100+ monsters.

Agreed on Master of Death:)

Not fair, I want to combine Inquisitor, Necro and NightBlade. So many builds… I’m going to be back in the GD cave for quite some time.

Dunno about the gear. :roll: Spectral wrath screem of %cold RR to use it with Night child and %Acid RR to be viable as poison build. Perhaps there is an item? =)
Anyway, out of all Necro abilities outside of pets only Mark of torment at 20/20 with CDR gear looks strong and Master of Death is probably the strongest exclusive beside Star pact, so let count it too. >_> Im not sold on Necro :roll: At least not with Nightblade, Ocultist, Demo, Soldier or Arcanist. T_T

I like the necromancer tree. It’s solid all around.
However, I do admit I like the inquisitor a lot more. I find it very opened and I can easily imagine a ton of mechanically different class interactions.

What the necromancer does he seems to do well. But I feel it’s a bit more closed.

I would compare Inquisitor to Shaman : you can do tons of different things with it. Bleed, vitality, caster, melee, ranged, pets, traps, frontload, backload, hybrid, electric, physical…
I would compare Necromancer to Nightblade : very strong, but more limited mechanics wise.

I will probably make ~ 2 necros and ~7 inquisitors, but the necros might well be the strongest.

Depending on what gear you use and what +skills are on the gear to overlevel skills, you could probably end up with 14-15 permanent pets with Necro+Occultist.

I’ve been leveling a Demolitionist to 68, reaching Ultimate. The plan is to, finally, turn him into a Purifier in order to blow shit up on an even grander scale. Grenado/Canister Bomb/Rune of Kalastor spamming with Time Dilation. Plan is to move fast and hit hard. :cool:

Running short on skill points, but hoping gear and extra levels will take care of that. Bard’s Harp is looking like a godsend, knowing how starved for energy my Demo currently is. Also liking the look of Alladrah’s Phoenix’s damage absorption. Combine that with Wayward Soul, Blast Shield, Word of Renewal and Mark of Divinity, and I shouldn’t die too often.

The last 5 devotion points will probably be used to get Elemental Storm for further resistance reduction, and first two nodes in Scythe for health/energy.

Can’t wait to look for Mythical Barrelsmith’s Twins in october. :smiley:

Some heavy vitality based build
Then we get 5 more devotion to spread I"ll sure take Wendigo.

2H Ranged Vindicator and cold/vitality Reaper are still my best choices, with Purifier being very tempting too.

a shame we don’t have access to items though :smiley:

Id prefer if with Shaman =) More %RR, sick amount of HP, sick healing, some utility options with Graping vines/stuff.

For reaper I was referring to Cold transmuted 2h Bone Harvest. Which rapes

As for Acid we shall see. Who knows:)

I’m not sure if I should pick some vitality oriented constellations, I need to take a look at the new gear first.


  • Ill Omen is a powerful CC that makes the whole screen flee.
  • Spectral Wrath is solid and reliable. It affects any mob not just melee, where do you even get your informations from?

The Necromancer mastery already offers many playstyle alone, even more when paired with other classes. If you check all the spells you can identify some opportunities for:

  • pet build
  • melee build focusing on cold/vitality (Bone Harvest) or vitality/aether (various WPS and RR)
  • poison/vitality caster (Ravenous Earth)
  • vitality/aether or vitality/cold caster (Drain Essence)
    That is not even counting the itemization which grants either a lot of damage conversion or sweet skill modifiers…

Could be a variant too, yes

When someone brings up what the Necromancer is capable of, i’m surprised Vitality Decay is never one of them. Between Reap Spirit, Bone Harvest, Soul Siphon etc., such a long forgotten damage type is getting the support it needs to be the primary focus of a character or build :rolleyes:.

You are 100% right. There is some nice vitality/vitality decay/bleeding synergies between Necromancer, Soldier and Shaman. Even more so with conversion :wink:

Is there any build that utilize both Vit and Poison? I was looking forward for Necro as alternative for Blademaster for top poison builds, but it looks like aside from Ravenous Earth Necro has no substitutions for Shadow Strike, Pneumatic Burst, Veil of Shadows and Blade Barrier.

If you want to make a poison necro, it will probably have to be a caster. You could make a weapon-based necro using Bone Harvest, and Bone Harvest would serve the same purpose as shadow strike for applying huge DoTs (but without the teleport). Mark of Torment is sort of like Blade Barrier in that it’s a low duration, high cooldown circuit-breaker. There’s no real substitute for Pneumatic Burst, but you could use Siphon Souls as a burst heal to fulfill a somewhat similar function. There’s not really any necro spell like Veil of Shadow though, but he can does have some resist reduction available to him.

Ill omen is useless pointwaster that make white trash flee and do nothing against everething else. 25% phyz dmg reduction dosent stack with 25% total dmg reduction from Decay, so there is ablosutely no reason to even think about Ill omen.
From what description say, Spectral wrath is autocasting retaliation aura with 4 meter radius at 10/10 and 5 sec duration. You must take a hit before it start to work.
From Necro tree i see 4 good options:

  1. Pets with Shaman/Ocultist
  2. Soulrend SS/LA/Bone harvest with Nightblade
  3. Aether dmg dealer with Inquisitor
  4. Vitality caster with Shaman/Ocultist.
    Thats it.

I was refereeing to something like this old, but still very strong build - It’s a caster and Shadow Strike is used for both DOT and escaping in dire situations.
From my noobish perspective Necro is very strong at empowering aether\cold\bleeding but need other class to provide basis for abilities\ survival.
The only areas where Necro himself could be the basic are obviously Pets and Vit. Those two are absolutely insane, Vit, especially, with both Occultist and Shaman it almost looks like an overkill.