Grimtools update: theorycrafting thread

I always liked aether damage a lot, so i m going for Necro Arcanist.

As always that uggly fire damage is annoying, Arcanist has no Auther spell that doesnt deal significant amounts of Fire damage, so i get Problems whenever i want to combine Aether with anything else then fire. I Hope there are Items with Converting 100% Fire Damage to Aether/Vitality for Devestation and Aether Ray.

i´m dissappointed about Inqusitor, it doesnt have a weapon basic attack, so an Aether - Elemental build using Aether of Souls with Arcanist or Necro will be difficult. i Also don´t like the Exclusives. Aura of Censure is Questionable for anything else then Meele, so i dont see what this has to do in a Ranged/Caster Hybrid Mastery. Aura of Conviction could be nice, the Physical resist is good to compensate low caster armor ratings, but it does not boost elemental dmg, so its offensive very weak for any elemental char (conversion or Caster).

Maybe i Find some elemental Spell there that is a good Bosskiller, then i could finally make a high end Panetti - Build. Or i End up making a Panetti Build with Soldier, Shield and a Beronath Reforged as Physical Build.

There’s already a legendary weapon that converts elemental to aether (think it’s only 50% tho)
Never understood why they nerfed warpfires cold to fire% but kept blood orb at 100% then changed beronath to grant 100% conversion also

Decree + Agrivix Amulet will allow you to get 90% Fire to Aether Damage already

Actually only 70% with best rolls cause fire converts after elemental.

I would be surprised considering I’m taking that 90% from Chton and from the base idea that Conversion always impact “base value” not any modified one (so we don’t have double Conversion)

You have 100% Fire Damage.
55% Elemental goes to Aether
35% Fire goes to Aether

90% Fire goes to Aether.

Decree of Aldritch + Agrivx amulet or the Callidor’s Shard (epic version).

Warpfire cold to fire convertion was nerfed mainly because of Olexra’s Flash Freeze… was mainly to nerf a bit the killing speed of Sorcerer Callisdor’s tempest build which could kill really fast an entire screen. It’s still good though, even after the nerf.

Blood orb and the Beronath Reforged don’t feel Op in any case even with 100% conversion.

You have 100 fire damage.
54% Elemental goes to Aether. 46% left.
36% from 46% Fire goes to Aether.
70% Fire goes to Aether.

I didn’t find warpfire to be op either, as OFF does nothing against bosses and also nothing against other major mobs that were immune to freeze. CT still destroys trash even without using OFF.
Guess I just miss fire/lightning TSS/High Potency build. Can still be played but not as good without focus as you lose Devastation.

It was mainly good when you were overcapping Olexa’s Flash Freeze.
Mine was at lvl 17 if I remember… worked pretty well since higher is OFF more fire Resistance reduction you have!

Wasnt Warpfire nerfed to tame down jajaja Saboteur? =) Cause maxed OFF oneshot whole screen regardless of conversion? =)

I think Warpfire’s problem is/was it has too many nice things overall - conversion, resist reduction and +1 to Arcanist/Demo are the highlights - the nerf toned down it’s conversion from 80% to 45% and it’s RR from -25% to -20%.

The Beronath sword and Blood Orb don’t have as much in comparison statistically speaking. You can still make powerful builds with either such as Superfluff’s AoE Markovian’s though.

I guess that too, for the execution proc (less damage converted).
Also the proc of Warpfire got a nerf to reduce a smaller amount of fire/aether resistances

Nerf to conversion hit Saboteur the most =( Sorcs didnt feel it - CDR sorcs prefered other weapon, and burning didnt care for conversion at all. I hope to see 100% Cold to Fire conversion on Mythical warpfire =)

Switched up my build thanks to Tek’s tips. Appreciate it bud! Still a work-in-progress but i will make this Light/Cold ranged build work


Look at this devotion set up :
It would give you more damage and OA, but you would lose the Behemoth constellation

I would prefer this for 2H lightning autoatacker.
1)zero reason to max Modrogen - you should have plenty of energy leech and regen to sustain. Health regen is borderline useless as you have totem for healing and a healing spell and ADTCH.
2)Dmg absorbtion is a big deal. You want to max Inquisitor seal regardless of build
3)Storm box look like a pointwaster for you, autoatackers dont have time to cast low-dmg spells. You can consider Rune of Haggard with biting cold as DA reduction spell.
4)Im unsure that Chilling rounds worth more that onepointer. They scale poorly.
5)Its usualy better to stick with one dmg type, so this is lightning-only version. =)

Its usualy better to stick with one dmg type . This is my version of Savagery autoatacker for Lightning vindicator.
Some advise:
1)No reason to level Mordrogen pact unless in dear need of energy regen. Savagery builds usualy have enough sustain to keep it as onepointer.
2)Keep Wendigo totem at 15/12 or even better at 19/12. Lots of healing for your HUGE lifepool.
3)Keep Hearth of the wild at 10/10
4)Level storm touched if you can gain from it %IAS.
5)Chilling rounds look like dmg-loss proc . Ive droped them to onepointer, but, perhaps, its better to drop them completely.
6)Storm spread provide one extra round at 16/10.

I’m in the process of trying to build a Reaper/Deathknight…some sort of melee necro and it’s been fun.

Feel free to share any ideas with me on this thread. Already looking at skills like Bone Harvest and Blade Burst.

This or scourge blended with bone harvest and reaping strike. You welcome.

yo, do u have more pics like that? :rolleyes: