Guess the Oathkeeper Class Combo Names!

Zantai has already said that Warlord is Oathkeeper and Soldier. Try again.

(I cant stop, please help)

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Templar
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Archon
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Oppressor

Well I’ll definitely be playing a Soldier + Oatherkeeper then :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess #2 before I go back to playing Grim Dawn and trying not to get too hyped about Forgotten Gods (more than I already am)

Warlord - Soldier + Oathkeeper
Shieldbreaker - Demolitionist + Oathkeeper
Paladin - Inquisitor + Oathkeeper
Oppressor - Occultist + Oathkeeper
Sentinel - Shaman + Oathkeeper
Templar - Arcanist + Oathbreaker
Dervish - Nightblade + Oathkeeper
Archon - Necromancer + Oathkeepr

Place the fresh, still warm from the printer, receipts for 5 copies of Grim Dawn at the 5 points of a large inscribed pentagram on the floor and start chanting “Iatnaz”, “Iantnaz” “Iantaz” “I beg the Forgotten Gods for help!” :wink:

Edit…Bonus points for smoking, dribbly candles, wearing a long black hooded robe and including all the expansions in the receipts

Another try:

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Oppressor
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Templar
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Archon

Guess #3, this time with some wacky/dumb/maybe logical ideas:

Soldier + Oathkeeper = Warlord
Nightblade + Oathkeeper = Dervish
Demolitionist + Oathkeeper = Shieldbreaker
Occultist + Oathkeeper = Sentinel
Arcanist + Oathkeeper = Templar
Shaman + Oathkeeper = Archon
Inquisitor + Oathkeeper = Paladin
Necromancer + Oathkeeper = Oppressor

Edit: Note to self, don’t make guesses when I’m barely awake.

Gonna have a number #3 cause now as I’m slowly hyping myself :frowning:

Warlord - Soldier + Oathkeeper
ShieldBreaker - Nightblade + Oathkeeper
Archon - Demolitionist + Oathkeeper
Paladin - Inquisitor + Oathkeeper
Dervish - Shaman + Oathkeeper
Sentinel - Necromancer + Oathkeeper
Oppressor - Occultist + Oathkeeper
Templar - Arcanist + Oathkeeper

And then I’ll probably have a guess everytime I have a break now cause I can’t help myself :frowning:

I’m also thinking that maybe Lorewise for Grim Dawn it might also be :-

Oppressor - Inquisitor + Oathkeeper
Paladin - Occultist + Oathkeeper

As the Oathkeeper’s do worship the Witch Gods

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Archon
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Templar
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Oppressor

Soldier - Oathbreaker = Warlord
Shaman - Oathbreaker = Dervish
Necromancer - Oathbreaker = Oppressor
Demolitionist - Oathbreaker = Paladin
Nightblade - Oathbreaker = Sentinel
Inquisitor - Oathbreaker = Archon
Arcanist - Oathbreaker = Shieldbreaker
Occultist - Oathbreaker = Templar

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Templar
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Oppressor
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Archon

Second attempt.

This has been difficult - I would have expected someone to have guessed correctly by now. Some of our assumptions are clearly incorrect.

I find that Archon, Dervish and Shieldbreaker are the most difficult to logically assign. I picked Shieldbreaker for Shaman purely because of Horvald Shieldbreaker, a lightning-based hero.

second guess

Archon = Oathkeeper + Arcanist
Dervish = Oathkeeper + Nightblade
Oppressor = Oathkeeper + Occultist
Paladin = Oathkeeper + Inquisitor
Sentinel = Oathkeeper + Shaman
Shieldbreaker = Oathkeeper + Demolitionist
Templar = Oathkeeper + Necromancer
Warlord = Oathkeeper + Soldier

Third guess:

Soldier -> Warlord
Nightblade -> Sentinel
Demolitionist -> Archon
Occultist -> Dervish
Inquisitor -> Paladin
Arcanist -> Templar
Shaman -> Shieldbreaker
Necromancer -> Oppressor

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Templar
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Oppressor
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Archon
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Paladin

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Opressor
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Archon
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Templar
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Shieldbreaker

My first guess:

OK + Soldier = Warlord
OK + Demolitionist = Templar
OK + Occultist = Sentinel
OK + Arcanist = Archon
OK + Shaman = Dervish
OK + Nightblade = Shieldbreaker
OK + Inquisitor = Paladin
OK + Necromancer = Oppressor

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Opressor
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Templar
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Archon
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Shieldbreaker

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Templar
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Archon
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Opressor

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Templar
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Archon
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Oppressor

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Templar
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Sentinel
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Archon
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Oppressor
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Dervish

Oathkeeper + Soldier = Warlord
Oathkeeper + Nightblade = Shieldbreaker
Oathkeeper + Inquisitor = Archon
Oathkeeper + Demolitionist = Templar
Oathkeeper + Arcanist = Paladin
Oathkeeper + Necromancer = Oppressor
Oathkeeper + Shaman = Dervish
Oathkeeper + Occultist = Sentinel