Guide: Recommended stats for end game

Which crafting bonuses would you choose for Crucible in my scenario?

I have a guy with

  • 15k life
  • 1800 armor
  • 26% Phys Res
  • 2900 DA (+300 OA debuff from Siphon Souls)
  • 18/12 Inquisitor Seal
  • Reduced Target’s Damage
  • CC resists already covered

I’m fortunate to have 6 crafting bonuses to use and considering 2 of them:

  • 6 x 3% Physique

    • gives me 117 DA and 659 Health
  • 6 x 3% Armor

    • gives me 290 Armor

If you have some feelings about it or intuition, please share.

I aaaalways go for armor bonus. Flat absorption, just nice. It’s also a way bigger increase, percentagewise, than the health bonus.

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Good observation about the relative increase
16% more armor vs 4% more Health and 4% more DA
Maybe this armor boost has higher chance of giving some noticeable difference (against shotguns), especially on top of the Seal.

Yes. And armor seems to be your weak spot. My experience is that a build needs to be balanced in order 2 b rly sturdy. Massive live only, massive adcth only, massive da only - been there. No chance.

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I used to go for armor but I am not convinced it’s very good now. Stun/Slow seems like best possible crafting bonuses.

Armor is nice, when you can get the big numbers and 100% absorb but under 2K you will negate only minor hits, while physical resistance will reduce damage from all attacks, which makes it more important. Furthermore in your case Inquisitor Seal is already taking care of smaller hits, so armor is even less important. Physique is better bonus in Crucible, you have multiple enemies with DA shred and Empyrion gives you %health multiplier. Also interesting bonus is %healing increase.

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Always physique unless you lack some necessary stats i.e. slow res. Cause even if you’re overflowing with whatever physique gives it means you can shift to cunning/spirit dumps with the excess.


I did always choose stun / slow res but in case of current build I don’t need it, well maybe 1 - 2 bonuses out of 6. It’s the first time I have so many.

The argument of dumping excessive Physique also doesn’t apply to me since I’m too lazy to iterate over a build multiple times so I’d rather overshoot it than find myself not surviving. It’s not like the %Damage gain is that significant aside from specific cases.

Or in other words I optimize over general Defense + Offense (the most bang for your buck at least as it seems to me), so for example 80% damage + 500 health + 10 pierce res rather than 12 flat + 120% damage even though I may well survive it. With this approach Physique wins.

The optimal procedure would be to get as much offense as possible for the 1st time and then strip it only if necessary. Again, too lazy for it and not a good pilot anyway to strip every possible second so no point in squeezing last % (I mean last 100% - 200% Damage) when it seems to have lesser impact than piloting and making many runs.

Don’t know about the others, but Reaper has

455 Reduced target’s Defensive Ability for 3 Seconds

which is terrifying.

Awesome guide. I’ve been referring to it on every build I do, and it has been of great help.

One question I have: when you mention resist values like the one below, that would be without any Crucible buffs, right? So if I always take the Blessing of Ultos (which according to what I’ve read increases resists by 25%) I could aim for lower values?

Asking because I’m having a really hard time getting both res overcaps and OA/DA to the point I’m comfortable with high level Crucible on my chaos FoI Inquisitor.

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Crucible buff Ulo does help you with resistances but also in Crucible you have way more mobs with debuffs. So the values are without Ulo.

Now for Crucible, I would not prioritize overcaps of Bleeding and Pierce. But rest are very important. Crucible is crawling with aetherials, so aether is important resistance. Mind also the worst resistances debuff in the game is done by Anasteria in wave 169. On that wave you have the two fat aetherials with RR debuff, which stacks with Ana’s. That’s very hard wave without huge overcaps, especially Aether. On the flip side, Aetherward oil from Malmouth faction does help you a bit.

PS, glad you’re finding my guide useful.

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Oh, well, guess I’ll stick to wave 100-150 farming for a while then. It’s already sketchy enough with my current stats. Eventually when I get bored of the build I’ll go for the last waves, then it won’t feel so bad if I die.

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100-150 is also good for farming. 150-170 is more of a showcase of build/piloting.

But be careful with Anasteria, she’s on 149 I think or 148.

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I usually go for at least 2k armor + 20% physical resist, or at least 30% physical resist if the armor didn’t reach 2k for my build. Now I got a question, some class combinations can reach a really high armor more than 5K, and some others can reach 50% or more physical resists without buffs. If I have to choose, which is better between 5-8k armor vs 50-80% Phys resist? How much armor usually is considered to have diminishing effects?

Depends where you play and how much you have to sacrifice. For instance in high SR physical damage by enemies scale so high that armor will stop negating bosses attacks. But armor will make you invincible against smaller hits. For tanks with shields generally armor works better cause you don’t want to waste your shield block on lesser enemies and armor gives you better chance to reset your defenses.

On casters I prefer high physical resistance for example.

Also to me difference between 50 and 80% physical resistance is bigger than difference from 5k and 8k armor.

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I usually running SR60-80. Now about armor in SR is something I’m a bit worried about, due to the mentioned damage scaling wasn’t that mean those smaller hits is now also a big hit? So if that the case more Phys Resist is better in this situation then.

The build I have is this 2 Tactician and Warlord both have 50% Phys res and reasonable armor. The Warlord previously have about 5k armor and with buff can reach 8k armor with low physical resist of 15%, when tested against Calla it seems as if those 5k armor didn’t help much, only after I change to the set above with 50% Phys res and 3k armor can it defeat Calla, but still only when both Overguard and Ascension are active (the fight was long and hard). Now this fight against Calla that makes me wondering, is more armor or Phys res is better against it, since she mostly deal physical and pierce, or is she can’t be tanked when below 75% health?

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I haven’t played Calla but assume it’s like Ravager, physical resistance is far more valuable. There was Conjurer, who facetank her with 80% physical resistance, so should be crucial. Also life steal will help you against super bosses, I have seen consumables used for this purpose. And generally Warlords can’t reach good numbers there without sacrificing block procs, which is not recommended.

For SR up until 85 armor is working really great. I have run Markovian Warlord there and was very comfortable to play. But after 85 bosses chunks you’re hit much harder and armor can’t help you much. So there the low physical resistance of my build wasn’t enough.

Physical resist diminishes the dmg relatively. Armor absolutely. So the higher the dmg, the more valuable physical resist is over armor.


Hey, I’m don’t know how Slow / Stun res work precisely. I have 72% both in Crucible and wondering if I should change 2 of my %Physique crafting bonuses to 1 Slow Res and 1 Stun Res to cap them. I will lose ~50 DA, 500 Health I think.

For example Reaper has some attack 60% Slow target.
Does having 72% Slow res mean it slows me by 60% *28%~17%
so I lose 17% attack speed? :thinking: With Slow Res capped that would be
60% * 0.2 = 12%?

That seems worth it.


Yes, capping slow resist definitely worth it in AA builds; cast or attack speed doesn’t matter since you can’t overcap them by %20-30.

For stun/freeze/petrify, many player can ignore them but I definitely see it as QoL in AA builds where any extra disruption means less damage/less lifesteal in theory. And imo this applies to all static builds. On 1v1 these things are managable most of the time but in crowd you definitely want to cap them because you don’t see shit and everything happens at the same time and you have less control or you basically do everything subconsciously.

Like when ou have %200 AS/CS and you hit almost 4 times in a sec with your spam skill. When you have %50 stun resist instead of %80 and stunned for 1 sec; you can’t hit for 0,5 sec and that might mean 2 consecutive hits, when it’s capped you got stunned for 0,2 sec.

But ofc like any other stats in this game; everything depends on the build and the situation you’ll be in. I’m a crucible noob for example and don’t know which monsters mutilated/how much etc so my thought process is like be ready for everything but probably you don’t need to be ready for everything in crucible.


In Crucible you can rely on Ulo, so slow is even more important. First it’s not provided and second is quite common.

Petrify is more rare and I don’t think it’s necessary for Crucible, it will help you in SR, cause Basilisks are quite common opponents.

Freeze, mostly Moose. I really hate him with little or no freeze resistances. The worst scenario is naked Crucible, for a build with 0% can be toughest Nemesis.

For speed interesting idea is to have overcaps and see how it’s affected by slow.


I know I noticed that with Run speed at least, I had a tactician with like 180% run speed (oleron wrath and word of renewal) but not super high slow res. Still, defuffs did not made me move slow noticable and I blaim the high overcap on running speed

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