Happy New Year! Let's Talk V1.1.9.5/6

The Skyfire Grenado transmuter already converts 100% Physical Damage to Lightning for 1 point.

It’s tough but you can instead make a Vitality/Chaos PB spamming WH using Rah’Zin’s set and Fang of Chthon and other items/components to get the RR. Then you can stack Chthonic Racial Damage which Rah’Zin’s already has to get your damage up. GDStash will helps with some creative affixes needed to max PB. :sunglasses:

This arcane hero is very hard to notice. More arcane fx like other such heroes will be welcomed.


Yes, you can encounter those human arcanes in SR aswell. They should wear purple or something atleast.

This belongs in bug reporting, not a balance discussion. :laughing:

It will be addressed in the update.

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Pumping % Phys Resist onto another set is basically a last resort solution.

In the case of Light’s Defender, I’d sooner bump its already high Armor bonuses than resort to that. Will consider adding some Armor Absorption to it though.


well, this may help though I think adding 4-5% phys res won’t hurt anyone. the fact is that high armor works well with medium-high phys res (so they matter both) while with low phys res it doesn’t work that good.
like, Justicar set has both %armor, %absorb and some phys res so maybe LD can get the same treatment.

there was a thread Physical Resistance to Light's Defender set about LD set some time ago and that build had whooping 3% phys res.

Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator in my GT I went for probably every source of phys res possible but it’s only 17% in the end (used to be 22 but phys res on affixes was gutted, especially the Sandstorm one that lost 6(!) of it with no compensation). that’s still kinda low for a caster that needs to facetank everything.

another two points I wanna talk about is 1) the full set skill and 2) flat to Stun Jacks.

  1. the crystal summon for full LD set is kinda useless. it has low lifetime, so you can have only 2 at a time, and kinda meh damage so it’s better not to use it at all.

  2. flat damage bonuses to Stun Jacks are almost absent. you have them on Harra and some on LD but that’s it, everything else is just e-cute. for a spammable skill, tho, it is better to have flat to leech from it (and the leech is also like halved because of the transmute). So I suggest to change some e-cute bonuses to SJs to flat ones (on ammy or off-hand) or add some flat to, say, that sword.

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Ah, bug addressing: Let´s not forget the very bugging freezing bug!

Balance conversation is all about Crucible and SR, but changes to items and skills affect campaign too. And I feel like this is considered a mere side-effect. Doesn’t matter if it results in power creep, weird difficulty spikes or lack of challenge. Campaign could use some updates too, e.g. in areas or quest rewards as components became too common in

Bugs - there are some reports coming in regularly. But for me personally - shadows on low setting don’t work correctly in many areas.

With future-proofing I mean features which would help players when community or mods are no longer available. Maybe adding conversion stats to character tab. Or moving physical resistance to 1st tab. Or some new options, like bringing back old menu backgrounds/music. Also making use of bigger screens wouldn’t hurt, i.e. on 1920x1080 monitor and default UI scale all 5 inventory bags could fit on the screen at once. Same with all 3 character tabs.

I’m not trying to ask for late Xmas presents, but Cruci/SR times shouldn’t steal all the attention. Actually I hope for Cruci to remain difficult for me to even finish.

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That’s a great idea, actually. Phys res was on the first tab in TQ, why it was moved to third tab in GD? I know that stun res is also important, but it cannot be reduced by anyone, and phys res can. And it’s insonsistent with tab contents in the first place. You get resistances to damage on the first tab, and resistance to CC effects on third tab.

edit: also remove Sleep res from that one mutator (“Slowed” I believe - or something) and third char tab since player can’t be put to sleep nor can you obtain this resistance anymore.

Things like this belong in bug reports. :slight_smile:

The lower level items will align with the max level version in a future update. Thanks.

Let’s keep the thread on topic please. No need to bump our attention to previously reported issued. If it was reported, we are aware of it.

If you’re packing endgame items, you’ve probably already conquered most of the campaign’s challenges, so I’m not sure how endgame balancing is having a particularly meaningful impact on the campaign.

I can name a long list of minor qol tweaks we could make until the end of time, but that is what they are, minor. They’re not going to have a substantial impact on everyone’s enjoyment of the game and our programming resources are best focused on addressing bugs and our future work.

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My characters are always self-found. :slight_smile: Journey begins anew every time.

Now that we are discussing about sets, Dark One’s set proc has 150% chaos damage even though the set converts half of chaos to vitality and nobody ever uses it for chaos ( apart from one old meme chaos RE Defiler I made 2 years ago, lol). Could this be replaced with something more useful like flat acid/vit or casting/attack speed?


CS would be good as vit/acid builds usually lack it.

I propose to introduce special modes for the Crucible and SR with some permanent modifiers for the period of public testing or even on a permanent basis (the modes themselves can be discussed with the players, making them universal for all builds), especially for testing builds for balance. In my opinion, this is right and fair for those players whose builds suffer from fast runs with fantastic things and good modifiers. This will make it easier to understand the strength of a particular build and avoid unnecessary unreasonable nerfs in the future, or at least the gaming community will understand how justified these nerfs were.

why people don’t understand what the post is about

They don’t read or comprehend what they read. :slight_smile:

Though the thread title is vague on the topic.

In the first post it was written about balancing the assemblies under 5 minutes of the crucible and I am not against it. But 5 minutes in the arena with random modifiers sounds fuzzy and I suggest setting the same testing conditions for all builds for the most fair approach. Of course, it is impossible to make all people the same pilots, but the rest of the conditions can be made equal for everyone, so that there is no unreasonable criticism and resentment. I suggest that everything be as transparent, democratic and honest as possible.

Here’s a 4:15-ish SR85-ish LD Reaver Vindicator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. So I’d say, it’s a-ok, 20 phys res with 3k armor is alright outside SR90+ and superbosses. Not gonna mention the demo side because it’s not a thing that really exists.

Yes but here we are in a weird situation where some sets have phys res aplenty (Cyclone, IK) and others don’t for no apparent reason. Not saying that LD is one of them. Armor and health is nice and in most endgame makes up for no phys res. Imo. Also

Cool. Free Sanctified Bone. But what LD needs desperately is ~12% total speed somewhere. It’s a set that’s a full skill bar rotation caster with really little room to breathe and - in its most popular iteration of Stormreaver vindicator - wants to melee on top of that. Or wants to spam Jacks somehow.

And while we’re at it, Storm Totems want some love in terms of how cdr bonuses don’t keep up with summon bonuses. Lives for +2 seconds would be awesome but even +1 second would make a world of a difference.

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I’d gonna argue that Stun jacks part of the set is actually the best part of it, since bonuses to ST are abysmal and Storm Box doesn’t really deal any super-good damage.

would be cool if they receive WDs treatment and get +4 sec lifetime by default.