Your devotions got no flat RR. Is it gonna be a saboteur SS with BwC?
No “% reduced” RR either. Not as important as flat but always good. Either Viper or Ultos.
The whole point of Solemn Watcher is the last node.
First get the gear, then think skill levels and devotions. See what you’re missing. Setting devos in vacuum makes little sense. I’ve not been playing much since last patch, but before that my favorite devos for cold SS were either Amatok-Ultos-Scales for tankiness or Amatok-Ultos-Revenant-Korvaak for dmg (check out both in this thread [] SHADOW TANK - SS/BS Tanky Infiltrator (c+) (sr+) SR and Crucible setups). Leviathan path potentially gives most dmg (world Crucible record [] MORGO (sr+) (Crucible Champ) has it, and afaik it’s still not beaten even after fixing aggro) but it leaves too many holes.
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