[] Record Breaking Morgoneth Infiltrator
Here’s a total glassification of Morgoneth infilitrator. A joint effort of @Plasmodermic and me with meaningful advice from @Mad_Lee and @Nery. As well as Crucible (4+3 no pharma) world record of all times by @banana_peel.
GT: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXjnO8V
This is a total fantasy, 100% glassified setup made with the sole purpose of breaking the world Crucible record. It features Leviathan for extra oomph at a great cost of defense. For a more “normal” and universally playable setup that’s somewhat more realistic wtihout fantasy affixes, I suggest something like this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YZe4JGXV with maybe rings of Ice and Fire, Eternal Haunt or Elemental Balance ring-set as an alternative to the unobtainable magi rings.
[] Morgoneth Infiltrator
Hello world!
I bring another installment of Crucible sub-5-madness: Morgo DW Infiltrator. But first, respect and recognition where it’s due: Mad_Lee, Nery, thejabrixone and Poisonman who already posted some other Morgoneth builds. Pardon me if I omitted someone.
Today, two setups: fantasy one and a friendlier one with no rare affixes and better health and resistances. Here’s a quick mix of the two:
(no procs of any kind, SR mutators)
FANTASY SETUP: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BWQjWV
crucible 3+1 4:45 (best in ~25 tries, pretty good mutators, not very good nemeses combos): https://youtu.be/30eTAlAu3ZI
Plasmo’s 4+3 4:20 (with full spirit dump): https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=28AL3kN6K-U
NO-RARE balanced SETUP: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2B1gpwN (thx Mad_Lee for some suggestions)
crucible 3+1 5:22 (first and only try, Shattered at 161-170): https://youtu.be/2ZwEKtBG5Qw
SR 75 (pic above)
It’s green but - as a principle - only where it needs to be. Anyways,getting Morgo set and Magi rings alone is a hardcore grind so it’s not just the greens that make it fantasy. Build combines:
- maximized cold Shadow Strike with over 50% vitality to cold conversion for the mods and Nightfall DoTs
- 100% lightning to cold conversion with sofcapped Storm Box of Elgoloth for the debuff, proccing and more reliant DoT action (I mean being able to leave enemies unfinished without the fear of having to get back to them later)
- very very proccy (Mogro procs - set and boots, 100% cold Ultos, Blizzard, double Magi Eyes in full cold which is kinda op but Zantai’s never gonna click on this
, Nidalla, etc., etc.)
- some minor wps melee action when SS is on cooldown
- very good sustain
Some cons:
- Health looks ugly. But Morgo set got no flat health and getting it up to symbolic 5 digits wouldn’t really make a difference but would hurt precious dps a lot.
- No Seal. Had to make way for dps. But build moves so much it doesn’t really matter. And heals to full every SS (against 3 or more) so you can always break away when you spider-sense a deadly crit and get back to action a second later in an instant. Actually, Seal often gives a wrong impression that your elemental resistance is alright when it’s not outside of it - and this one is outside of it a lot.
- Magi rings might be nerfed next hotfix. Or won’t. Unpredictable.