Has anyone gotten an Alkamos' Touch of Anguish?

Soulrend drops at 80+

Ult for all runs.

I got that Soulrend (legendary) on my very first run today in Elite at level 75. :slight_smile:

Not sure how this didnt got noticed by all the playtesters… All my chars are max level - so it means i should level a new one just so i can get these items?

Hope its fixed soonish.

Didn’t get noticed because we did have it drop before. Bit difficult to pin-point a bugged drop when it did drop.

How many people got the full Alkamos’ rings set? Just curious
I just finished my 15th run but I only got the weapon :(…

Merged threads :wink:

So sad… I got 7 Touch of Dreads but no luck on Anguish

Just to be sure i am not wasting my time - just leveled a new char to get his rings, currently i am level 76 - got the scythe and ring of dread drop, but no Anguish.

When you say lv 80 - does this refer to Alkamos being lv 80 or the player?
Currently he is lv 86 (10 levels higher).

Not sure if i am just unlucky but ive done 50 runs in HC Ultimate so far and havnt gotten any of his legendarys yet.

So all these items can be farmed on Elite from what I’m reading , as long as you are 80+ .
Or is Ultimate the thing , what’s the difference ?

Thanks .

Nope, they can definitely be dropped on level 71 and epic difficulty. As I just had Soulrend and Alkamos touch of anguish drop for me in the same run, that I was doing for outcasts quest.

Damn that’s near stupid. I have done over 40 run of him and haven’t seen a single piece of his gear (none of the rings nor none of the weapons) and you get two in a single run on Epic.

Is it that stuff just don’t drop at lvl 85? Decree is the same and while Sharzul has been done less time (maybe 25) I still haven’t seen it yet. MQ has been brought down maybe 100 times still haven’t seen the Claws (yesterday for the first time someone playing with me got one! but for me still nothing)

Is the long explanation a Mythical version of this set? :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it still something actual? Like that has been posted 3 month ago (to the day)? Also is it only the Ring? Still have zero drop from him but just playing Ultimate. How are the % of having a purple drop on those Rogue Dungeon boss look like? 1%. Even worst?

Much better than 1% for sure

The ring not dropping was fixed quite some time ago

Got one of the ring today. Honestly if I combine Port / BoC and SoT I know for a fact I’m well over 100 Rogue Dungeon run (most as a group of 2 or 3) and it was the first time I saw one of the Legendary drop from the Rogue Dungeon boss. Also never had an occasion were someone told he got one (which I know doesn’t mean it didn’t happen). The guy I was running with today did 9 run with 0 drop (not just 0 ring drop. 0 Total drop). Probly just my usual absence of luck but well still sucking.

Thanks for that , made two keys and on my second run in elite he dropped Soulrend :slight_smile:

Third run another Soulrend , c’mon rings :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s actually 0.5% :cry:

If I remember correctly it’s 10% for Soulrend, 1% for each legendary ring, and whatever (but more than 1%) for the epic versions.