Haystack- Feeding Animals

I would like a Haystack Pole in which to direct stacking of hay to be placed outside of Livestock buildings. I would like the hay stack to be reactive to the amount of hay stacked. So a player would see it and have a general idea of how much hay they have available. I also think Haystacks would add to the environment ambiance.
Also, the herders do not go and get hay until winter arrives. My hay storage is in close proximity to the Livestock buildings. However, it takes FOREVER for one of them to decide to retrieve fodder. Many times my livestock go half way thru winter w no feed. Perhaps upon the barn upgrade an option to set a minimum and maximum for fodder INSIDE the barn would be a great management tool opportunity.
On the topic of feed- I would like to see cattle, horses, and chickens consuming some grain for better health. As IRL they would if available.