I am playing for some while now the ‘smash n grab’ mod for grim dawn, and it has been great!
I just want to tone down the leveling, so it levels slower, faster than the original but slower than the version 1 of smash n grab.
I already find the file I need to edit: playerlevels.dbr, at the database/records/creatures of the mod, and already tried it with the notepad++, changing the really clever *(1-(playerLevel/150) to something like *0,5 or *0,75, but it has no effect in game, I imagine there is a extra step involving the asset manager, but I couldn’t for the love of my god make any sense of that even after following the tutorial on this crate forum…
Any help is immensely appreciated! I f*cking love this game and I sense that the 2 hour play to level 100 is going to diminish this love anytime now…
Again, thanks for any and all insights, Cheers!