January 25, 2021, 3:27am
Perhaps these threads may offer some insights…
Hi Everyone, how i can attach fx to this places? [image]
but i need it only when i use Leap skill
i tryed dome things but it not worked [image]
its dont shows at all
mif: [image]
it work once when i use warmUpeffectName and choise bone, but it uses only on that bone, i cant choise my own attachpoints . and i need 2 FXs
there s only one place where i can choise [image]
Dear all (but mostly Crate),
we are having troubles with transferring custom made bones from 3DS Max into the game. For some reason these bones / bips are not showing at all in Viewer / ingame.
Is there a specific action that needs to be done apart from rigging these bones, placing Export Object, saving it as a .max file and building .max file in Asset Manager into .msh?
If so then we could really use some advice because I feel like we are very close to making it work but missing this one las…
Note: I am no animator but I remember these threads. Not sure if they help any or might later down the road but I’m sure there are others that may wander in here to give you advice. Both these threads feature one of the devs actually assisting the modder with advice on how to get certain things done.
Current version:
Mod inspired by Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
Compatibility: Grim Dawn Forgotten Gods expansion (requirement: base Grim Dawn, AoM and FG xpacks)
Everything you need to know about the mod is found here: Official RoT-Wiki
No donations are accepted for RoT development.
You can show support by playing the mod, helping out the community or checking the unannounced indie RPG game that @WareBare and @Ram have started…
…features “new” monsters and such.