Help summoner build

This is a build of yours.
You think i can play this? It seem more funny for my play style.
i checked it and in devotions “Leviathan” i don t see the talent u linked

That is an old build and no longer recommended.

Nooooo :sob: Terrible new Maya


You accepted thousands challenge :sweat_smile:
How about make a new primal spirit build? :stuck_out_tongue:

any preference on dmg type?

No no,I just wanna use primal.I like very much kitties.You saw my build is completely random.Also devotions are of your bird build.I accept all your changes

I’m doing crucible for collect some gear.I’m gladiator 20/30 for now ahah

Hm… elemental one:

Maya,Maya just one question you always put many talents on “Bleed of Dreeg/Aspect of the Guardian” i can t use this talent,i only use i for heals minions,u use i in offensive way?

It provides plenty of bonuses and is always on (30 sec duration for 15 sec CD). So both offensively and defensively, it is great.

But it proc if someone hit me? Or if people hit pets? Becouse i always stay out of fights i don t take much damage.

It is not a proc, but an aura.

Yes sorry i wronged the term,when i active it,if someone hit my pet he took back damage?

No, it is not a Retaliation effect. Your pets deal extra dmg while attacking.

Hahah ok ok and sorry for all these quesions,i m not from police.I try this build :laughing:

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I tryed Maya i don t have all these points as you

You need to get the items first. The build I posted is an endgame build to work towards :stuck_out_tongue:

Where i move my poins then? Ihalf points in raging tempest and i place 6 points in Aspect of guardian? Or u have better idea?

Follow the beginner build in my guide