So, I have v. (x64). I am unable to join any Multi-Player games. I get a pop up stating that I do not have the right data base version to connect to this server (it doesn’t matter if I try to join a game with or without the (x64)) or that I am unable to connect to the server. Why can’t I join any of the games?
I don’t (or can’t actually) join any games that are not Forgotten Gods. I only ‘try to’ join normal difficulty softcore games. I don’t ‘try to’ join any of the pvp servers. Again, why can’t I join?
The only issue I can think of is… I bought the game from GoG instead of Steam. Does that even matter?
Also, I have ‘hosted’ my own Multi-Player game and no one joined? I can understand if I don’t fit their parameters, but do you think they encountered the same thing? Unable to join for the same reasons?
Curious if anyone has encountered this before. If so, were they able to remedy the issue? If so, how?
Anyway, if anyone wants to try it out, that has the game from GoG, I will play my lowby Trickster (currently level 30) on a ‘hosted’ server. I named it rawrbarian, all lower case. It’s normal difficulty. No pvp. No password. I have auto join on. It’s Forgotten Gods. Max 4 player. Any level.
Just curious to see if it works. If not, what pop up do you get? I don’t mind a Solo Only game, but I am feeling that urge to play Multi-Player. I just don’t want to play Diablo III right now. I am burned out.
Edit: Character name is Dawn Grimm V. Yes, she is the 5th one. My female characters are Dawn Grimm and my male characters are Don Grimm. I know, the complete and utter lack of imagination is absolutely astounding isn’t it? HAHA!