Help with ironing out kinks in Firewave Commando

Although I never played with fire Forcewave (only phys), I have to say that your build looks pretty solid at this point…

I don’t know how much Crucible you have played up until now, but maybe your issues are a more matter of experience? Personally, I had a lot of difficulties surviving Gladiator Crucible for a long time, simply because I didn’t know how to navigate it safely (with an overly reckless playstyle being the most important problem).

Something that definitely helped me with that (apart from watching videos of pros like Mercymaker & John_Smith) was this awesome Crucible guide by sir_spanksalot, so if you haven’t read that one yet, I would definitely recommend doing it :slight_smile:
Whilst, at first glance, it contains a somewhat overwhelming amount of info, it’s good to try and remember at least 2-3 of his points every time you play.

Some tips I remember from playing with a Forcewave char myself: 1. in dangerous situations, attack from the middle-distance. Forcewave is a ranged attack, and that is a big part of its defensive plan. 2. don’t kite too little – but don’t kite too much, either! You need to deal dmg to leech life from your enemies. 3. lure strong enemies into narrow pathways like the one behind the balustrades in the Crucible of the Dead or in the center of the Cruc./Deeps to a) prevent being surrounded (less damage taken) and b) line up your enemies in a neat line (more Forcewave dmg dealt).

I hope this helps :see_no_evil: