Helpfull indication of over- or underproduction

Hi Devs,
First: amazing job on 9.5.

Coud you make the playingexperience a bit nicer/ quicker/ userfriendly and give me an Overview indication?

My case: I constantly jump from my inventory menu to the productions stats graph to see if I produce enough of this and that. I could also click on every single good to see the anual production/consumption and +/- but that is a crazy amount of clicking.

Solution(?): If there was just a red outline around the i.e. “shoes icon” in the overview to easily warn me that I produce way to little “shoes”, that would be great. If there was a color change from red-orange-white-green-blue of the outline from under to overproduction, that would be even more helpfull.
So I see all the Icons of all goods AND the amount in stock AND over-/underproduction. That would give me an indication of what to do without haveing to jump into every single good or to the stats graphs an collapse the different goods.

If this outline would be even visible in the trading post like that (Booom, sound of head exploding), I would easier know wht to sell/buy based on my cities productivity and not only pricing.

Pretty please…


I Kind of was hoping, that someone would concurr or completely obliderate my post here and show me a better way to see this…