Herders won't slaughter after upgrading Barn (v0.7.4)

My herd of cows has been growing, adding 2 per year. My people are hungry and the cows are fat. However, my herders refuse to slaughter them, even though we are now over our herd size.

I was able to successfully slaughter cows for food with the Tier 1 Barn, but after upgrading to Tier 2, I am no longer able to slaughter. Also, reducing the size of my herd does not do anything to the herd size or help with the slaughtering. My herders have also stopped milking the cows. It appears that the Tier 2 Barn loses functions.

I have disable the Barn for a bit, so I could cycle in different workers. No change.


I came here to post same. I cannot divide the herd either.

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Posting to report the same issue as well.

also problem if u build another barn, and split cow, second barn wont do anything, i wanted try to buy new cow from merch for second barn, but didnt yet
my lvl 2 barn work perfect ( first one)
only i dont get why its saying 6/13 but max stock after upgrade 16

are u sure guys that bag with barn u have on first barn u bulided and got cows from merch? coz i as i said have bug only on second after split cows

Same issue with upgraded Barn.
I decided to delete the barn.
I couldn’t slaughter the cows so they just roamed about.
I build a new tier 1 barn but could not herd the old cows even though they were right next to the new farm.
You cant select the cows and it you try I get a cow mooing and a pop-up of a rock!
I tried to get my hunter to kill them but cant do that either.
So I guess they will just move about my fields until they die :frowning:

Would be nice to have pigs, chickens, geese.

Oooh and I build a big field which I planted with clover for the cows to eat but could not set the grazing on the field.

Move the barn out to an open area, once it’s out in the open field toggle milking on and off a few times. Turn off grazing, then turn back on. That usually fixes it for me. The cows are getting bugged on the building itself and can’t leave or enter. The farmers only milk/butcher when they are in the building so they can’t do anything.

This is different from the gate bug (don’t put them behind a gate).

It’s gotten to the point where there are too many cows. Their maintenance is not cheap, the economy suffers. The cheese factory also stopped working.
very sad.
The advice with moving the barn didn’t help.

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