I have read a ton of threads, topics on where chars are saved to etc. I have back-ups of the level 70ish chars and tried everything I read to get it to appear, so I could level it but it never would show up in char selection menu in-game.
So, I sulked a few hours then made a new char, leveled it to 20 in an hour or so, as I was logging it off, there was the other char in the char selection menu, so I logged it on and checked the bank and everything looked great. On top of the world but, as I was logging off to desktop, I decided to log back in to check and see if the char was still there. I was fully expecting the level 20 char to be there but wasn’t so sure about the 70ish one. When I logged in, there wasn’t a char at all in the char selection menu. The level 20 I JUST had made and the level 70ish vanished - again. Yes cloud saving is off in the client and in steam, although it had been on up until the level 70ish char vanished (not before but after it vanished), so I copied the entire dir where it was, not just bits and pieces but entire folder GD and have it backed-up.
I have verified the files, reinstalled FOUR times (before I made the level 20 char), turned off cloud saves ingame and in steam. I have dropped my copied and backed up folder into both directories, then only to MyGames\blah\blah whatever and also to the steam directory and still cannot find the chars.
This is my first post and obviously trying to figure out what is going on with this as it seems to happen to a lot of people according to internet searches I have done last couple of days. So I have given up. I have tried everything, no matter how irrelevant it seemed to get the game up and loading a char I had 150+ hrs into (yeah I know that ain’t nutin right?) that is a lot of time and effort put into something I was really having fun with.
So now, I just made another char, called Houdini coz I’m guessing he’s gonna disappear too but at the same time, I’m hoping that when I log him out of the game that the other two will show up like my 1st char showed up after I had played the lvl 20 char and if so, back-up the entire folder (again as a separate new folder GD-2) before I close the game to desktop this time.
Is this a common occurrence for someone who uses zero mods, just base game and all the DLC?
Thanks for any constructive relevant polite feedback.
Okay, one more thing. I just deleted GD the 2 files (again) in settings folder and the level 70 and 20 show up but Houdini did vanish. I am beginning to wonder if this has something to do with me tinkering with the video, audio or what if it is in a config type of file? The game is waaaay too small to see on 3840 x 2160 AND another thing I just noticed is that the cloud save is enabled by default apparently??
I’ve been up all night basically trying to get this resolved. I am exhausted, thanks for having a look. I will check back in after I get some rest.