Hidden trade-gank mechanic?

It seems that game has “trade-gank” mechanic, especially with spices. It is unbelievable how trader who is usually brings spices almost every year suddenly stops to trade it for 15 years in row

I was waiting for cows for 20 years once.

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It sounds like bad RNG. So perhaps the solution would be to have a modifier on resources to give them a slight boost to the chance of them being stocked by a trader each year that they don’t carry them?

Now it’s not a problem, you can request stuff in trading post, before that you would just sit there for 20 years waiting to buy a cow or 2.

Game I’m currently playing, I waited 12 years for chickens, finally requested it from trading house only for the very next trader to have them, fml.

That is the way the ordering works iirc. You order and the next trader will bring you some.

too expensive

Nope, I ordered but it was the second trader that had them, the previous trader may have already been on screen when I did. Wasn’t looking.