Highest Damage Dealt

What kind of damage dealt numbers is everyone pulling? Any lvl 100s care to share and what build they were using?

I hit 493,351 on my lvl 96 bleed conjurer. The stars must have aligned cause my previous high was only 150k lol

Thanks in advance to those who participate.

52k on my Physical/Vitality Sigil of Consumption Cabalist

Not sure on my Mageslayer’s Frenetic Throw Infilitrator as he uses shadowstrike also (which obviously hits harder then Frenetic throw)

and those are the only 100’s I have since I deleted all my other characters before buying AoM

@sfbistimg Nice. I don’t even have a max toon yet lol almost there though.

@actuanpanda Holy smokes! lol Thats amazing. gj man. Gives me something to strive for lol

Here’s a ss of mine.

got 680k on my Druid. But 1,5 mill on a Korba Trickster, holy smokes.

That was in party, when in crucible solo I can only achieve about half of that value. Just wanted to freak you guys out a bit lmao.
My 2H witchblade hit for 668k pre xpac, I think he can reach 1m now but I dont have time for him.

Nearly 1 Mio Bleeding Tick.

I’ve hit for 39 millions. It’s so easy to hit that value. It was actually 390k, but let me dream a bit.

What does highest damage dealt actually mean?

Does it include the total damage done to multiple enemies at an instance?

Do you have link for the 1.5mil hit build ?

I am more interested in highest damage taken to be honest. Back in the days I used to read “horror” stories about a certain weapon on a certain Nightblade enemy

My highest damage taken so far is 14k from Ravager (Minds/Souls, can’t remember)

I think I have seen execution hit for that kind of damage in party before. Someone did mention it/screenshot it on the forums here. It’s impressive how much trickster has improved with that one set (used to be one of the worst classes in vanilla)

1st place - 27K taken. Vanilla Fabius with 2x Notched bone :slight_smile:

2nd - 18K Maiden in crucible

3rd - 14K Ravager

You can get hit for that kind of damage in crucible? :eek:

Brb gonna rehash my acid wh.

So what’s the worst now? Is it defiler or apostate? :smiley:

yes, provided she can crit you and she smashes you with a blitz it can happen. It happened to my purifier terminator before i went Ignafar relic for extra DA. I had marked mutator and she wasn’t in BWC OA debuff radius, she blitzed me from afar. I didn’t die because i had full health at the time, but it was a strong indicator to buff up my DA…message received:D

On topic. SS in a party, especially Acid can do well over a million too.

My highest solo has been Deathguard reaper Harvest hit 850K and just over 800K with SS cold infiltrator that wasnt very polished kinda the same.

If I am not mistaken it should be dealing the highest damage

Defiler is still open to possibilities due to some available conversion. Not denying it could use more support but it still looks better than Apostate in terms of build diversity

Jesus Christ
Now that I think about it even on BWC Pyro in vanilla I never managed to get maiden to stand on the patches (w/o mirror or BS)

Her fire resistance on top of that didn’t really make things easy for me
