Highest Damage Dealt

so ? Korba’s ? http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=64311

I reworked devotion route a bit to max out slow res, make it more reliable in cruci:

Woulnd’t this do more dmg ? https://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2geMoEZ
Haven’t tested, just messed around in the grim calc from the original link, not changed devos :

How the fuck does basic attack beat full cold savagery?

You are too kind :)…literally

Yeah, read about that somewhere. I find shadow strike clunky to use though, so I’ll never be able to achieve high numbers with it.

Defiler is still open to possibilities due to some available conversion. Not denying it could use more support but it still looks better than Apostate in terms of build diversity

Well, true. And with the upcoming gargabol gun it will only become better. Now that I think of it, warlock is maybe in a worse place right now, even with a dedicated set in black flame, I don’t see chaos ray having any advantage against aether other than it being not overused.

f*ck : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2j07LjZ

Still not good enough, beronath can’t compete with savagery either in this particular case
Shadow Strike based Spellbreaker is what you are looking for. Search around the forums and you’ll find a guide to it

original mastery skills will always be better. Any item based skill or component based will always be weaker. correct?

99% yes. Exceptions may be Belgothian strikes and Felshwarped Strikes. But in this case, missing out on Korba helm mod is just too bad, aside from beronath lower % weapon dmg

Scourge Strike would like to have a word with you

So the 1.5mil crit was on shadow strike ? not execution ?

Edited : And wouldn’t blind sage work better than ulzuin torch ?

And comparing them both :

This : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2j07LjZ has +10k Weapon Attack (in inv 2) than this : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRRvyOZ ! doesn’t that count also ?

"Throw Feces would like to have a word with you! ":rolleyes:

isn’t that an activated ability?:stuck_out_tongue: I somehow thought we were only talking about AA. My bad. Runebinder weapon has AA too but haven’t tested

Btw I keep noticing a bunch of you guys picking Ring of Frost. Anyone care to enlighten me why the extra point waste?
How is Freeze any better than Stun? Or is it because people have spare points?

Ah okay, Scourge Strike approves of the comment :stuck_out_tongue:

I tested Runic Bolts when expac was new using pure Physical (2 pc Spellscourge and Octavius) and it was good but felt kinda gimped to me. I haven’t tested it since they buffed it
I didn’t go elemental route cause I have my doubts regarding how good an elemental build can fare these days (Arcanor is an exception)

That was execution, I put 5 points on SS ffs.
Yes your SB has better flat damage, but my trickster has 200% AS vs your 170% + 30% RR from wind devil, also no points in mirror and shit CC resist mean you will die in cruci.

Edit: Honestly I don’t know how weapon damage in char II tab works, does it take default attack replacer into account? If not then it’s completely worthless.

Hmm, i thought the weapon begged for mage hunter with maxed IEE line and wps.

As for frost, Some enemies are immune to stun but not freeze. But in crucible it’s hardly noticeable anyway. And in campaign when you are early game freeze is potent really. But only on veteran

I was presuming that weapon dmg in inv2 is the base dmg u do, and when u have 300% main hand dmg on execution, it will take that base dmg from inv2, am i wrong ? i dunno how it works also, so thats why im asking, im figuring crits also are based on that…or just on sheet dps from inv1

And and off the topic question !

In the past 2-3 maybe max 4 weeks, i saw a Shar’Zul worldeater build on forum that was very exotic, as some would call it, and it was like an armagedon on screen. Can anyone link shar’zul builds, im seartching by name but no luck

There is one using the ability and if you had really searched you would have found it easily, even on google

“No luck”


I screenshoted the title of the build fluff was referring to and the weapon’s name is in the title. A simple search would yield the results