Highest Damage Dealt

Btw I keep noticing a bunch of you guys picking Ring of Frost. Anyone care to enlighten me why the extra point waste?
How is Freeze any better than Stun? Or is it because people have spare points?

Can only speak for myself, but…look at the duration. :slight_smile:


I reworked devotion route a bit to max out slow res, make it more reliable in cruci:

Hourglass Nodes are for Crucible, right?

Why the 1 Point in NHH?

Came up with this…saw ur comment now : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BkEdzV

How can it be improved ? 2combustions ?

Use the search feature of the forums
You’ll find a build that has “Worldeater” in the name of the thread
Go to the last page and you’ll get a grimtools link that’ll help you out

I’d help you out directly but whatever help I can give has already been discussed in that thread so best use the “Search” feature

I’d say that some of these numbers were unbelievable but… there they are! My meager Occultist thought he was a tough guy when he hit 86k. Now he just feels :o

At least he hasn’t been smacked so hard that he forgot his own name. Thus far a weak-sauce 6.1k is the best Cairn’s Enemies have managed. That said, it amounts to a one-shot to him.

2.1million damage on unnerfed Valdun’s Tactician in Crucible. :smiley:

39k from a certain Nightblade with a certain weapon.

ah yes Fabius with the Notched Bone of a Thousand Deaths, perhaps the games biggest fuck you ever.

Edit: also to contribute, 310k is the highest damage one of my characters has ever done, though this was with my friends character buffing the unholy hell outta my damage. Highest damage taken on this char is also 12k

not 2x? that’s impressive

Link with build ?

And why does valdun rifle give +1 to demo instead of +1 to soldier ?

It’s a dual wield pierce Tactician. It has been nerfed considerably.

Because the rifle was made when Inquisitor didn’t exist.

https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/9409 ???

u mistaken ?

I meant the regular one. And why are you asking why it gives +1 to Demo instead of Inquisitor, but then the Mythical gives +1 to both?

to go back on topic, here a few not too bad ones: (pretty sure all happened in crucible), same for dmg taken btw

on grenado

on execution (belgothian maybe ?)

bone harvest

dw SS

2h SS

not sure, oleron might i guess

I assume it’s MP. There is no way Blego even comes close to 1 mil execution crit in crucible even with full cunning:)

SS and bone harvest can potentially do that solo

oh yeah for sure, bad thing is that for most of those numbers i didnt saw them when it happened :confused:
the million on belgothian is on infiltrator set up, when seal of blades was still a devotion proc machine btw
i didnt used specific set up to reach those, too lazy

I use the same rings as you do for some time now. And with new Unchaind might Ros mod Black star is no longer needed so I use a Rylok medal. Still damage is never beyond 350K’s - 400 if lucky executions in crucible with buffs

oh yeah completly forgot about that skill mod, hmmm idk if i have a rylok able to cap the res id lost still

Mine is 34k I think, which was through a maxed out maivens, so perhaps it could have been a lot more.

Those were the days eh :smiley:

22403 damage taken on a warborn/beronath blademaster. I think I bounced a cadence hit off a reflective skeleton hero with an “of valor” shield.

A gt link on the bone harvest reaper? I am actually interested in that build :D.

While I am at it:

Solo main campaign only