Highest Damage Dealt

Transmuted Blade Arc 26/16
Crucible buffs + Vanguard banner + Demo ally (multiplayer)

13k taken, that hurts. :smiley:

> 1 million in Campaign or Cruci? I still struggle to find a build close to 1 million dmg in Vanilla.

Still, dat dmg. :cool:

Cruci + all buffs + Vanguard Banner and Demolitionist ally.
In solo max crits are up to 1.1m, iirc.
This is very old build, I created it once AoM is released and constantly improving it. Maybe one of old iterations had worse survivability. I don’t remember, honestly. Now this build is really good, it facerolls Crucible with no sweat.

I have a measly 990k. :rolleyes:

EDIT: SP, crucy w. buffs + banners.

SP or MP? I have 798k on SP.

Well, to make things clearer, you should maybe state the following before posting:

  • Vanilla only or dmg achieved in Crucible
  • Multiplayer or Singleplayer

Otherwise it’s always hard to compare.

Agree with Jager. I tried that korba build with the ugdenbog chillstrife and max dmg output comes NOWHERE NEAR 1.5mil. I barely get close with the full set thus that being the damage i mentioned earlier, 798k SP, cruci, buffs+banners.

highest spell dmg dealt will probably be cold bomber rimetongue, since i got 800k with medicore setup not so offensive, imagine that with banners and such and offensive setup … it can easy goes upto +1million and such.

highest damage for attack based prolly cold trickster…

highest damage taken i see was 15k, but dont know from what

Hi stoya ^^. Alive and well I see. Sigma soon.

Think I got over 1 mil once with Savagery+ZT on Avenger which for Auto attack is not too shabby

1,5 or 1,6 million with Soulrend Breaker in Crucible with 4 buffs and Elemental FW Tactician as an ally.

Hmm… It’s funny that you guys reach such big damage dealt. My max was 390 - 391k with a two handed build, and today ~500k with doom bolt on Jillius (unfortunately, Harbinger Doom Bolt deals damage twice in a row, first base skill damage and then WD, so therefore my max on that character was around 200k). Crucible, apparently, increases your damage dealt by a ton with these banners and buffs (not counting other players).

Specializing in tanky builds has its downsides. :stuck_out_tongue:

New SP personal record. 808k, crucible, buffs and banners, blood knight cabalist, bone harvest.

It’s probably because of buffs/banners + favorable mutators.

Another factor is people are not as brain-damaged as me and rather build damage than tankiness. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can build the glassiest of glass cannons, but you’ll never reach these numbers unless you get lucky on the mutators. It’s a game of chance.

I honestly feel that the meta is shifting waaaaay too much into the DPS area.

It’s probably because as the top cruci players get better, they learn how to make do with less and less survivability. That and the gradual nerfs the cruci has received over and over again. :smiley:

so, these maximums are all crucible based right?
what would the maximum for main campaign be like?

It will shift towards tankyness on many builds possibly with the new shattering challenge.

Damage is cruici based. I’d say avenger can pull off a 600K in campaign on a very lucky crit.

@Superfluff using korba trickster with full kobra set setup i got like 720k or smth like that so yes, high damage in campaign SP is achievable. My curiosity though still stands for how on earth this setup -> https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRRvyOZ could reach 1.5 mil crit?! I actually tried with with full buffs and banners and it couldn’t go for more than 470k xD