you can get over +500k ez with dual malkadars and execution procs… and that setup you posted is actually not even good i have different setup that reach +18k 18k in both hands cold dmg this setup has 11k and 12k tho dual malkadars is trashed by dual daggers anyday for consistency…
if we talk about consistent + 400-500k dmgno lucky crits no execution prays i havent experienced any better than cold grenado sabo as spell dmg…
Taking in account I specialize in tank(y) builds and maybe caster-like builds, I made a Harbinger Pyromancer that hit this to Fabius in normal campaign:
I play with small overlay because fuck having stuff on screen.
I am pretty happy about that, because the only maximum max that I hit was about 396k with a two handed DK which got rebuilt to a shield guy and then to a dual wield that now waits for another rebuild.