Hit a wall on Loghorrean Elite

Will jump back to normal vet for now then, and dive into the expac’s then! Make’s me excited to do so actually, thanks for your patience malawiglenn!

@Volek aye, first comer to the forum! Ty vm for your help Volek!

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remember to look out for item upgrades, green items can be very potent. Rings with flat pierce damage and attack speed / life steal.

Also read the guide I linked to now and then for some overall solid tips

BTW I forgot that Nery did an upgrade of said guide here [] Beginner's/budget project-DW pierce ranged Tactician

Will do! I’m currently respeccing and following that guide!

you should also at any given instant have gloves with attack speed mod. The faster you attack the faster you kill and heal with life steal.

If you have the patience for it, finish the base game, then AoM and then FoG on veteran, and do bounties for faction rep. Then do the same in elite. That´s the best way to get gear without too much pain and/or frustration.
GD takes time, if you want to play it “properly”, time to learn what´s what and to get gear.
Early on you will probably get most legendaries from Hero Mobs. Droprates in elite are not THAT bad, so maybe farm the wasp hives, there are a lot of Gero Mobs, and they are easy ´n fast to get to.

Too bad you didn´t make a purifier, much easier to gear/play, and still kickass, despite all the little nerfs. :wink:

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He does chaos, vitality and poison damage mainly, I think some fire too and some lightning from his spawns. Your chaos and vitality resistance are both garbage level. Need to get those up, use a couple black tallow components in medal and amulet for chaos resistance plus racial damage reduction. Use an armor absorption component (forget the name but looks like a dragon scale or something) or two. Use some corpse dusts in the ring slots to get some vitality resistance and more health.

You are also a low level. I try to finish elite at level 70. Sometimes I am 60 - 65 doing Log. I’d run steps of torment or do a few bounties or something. Try to upgrade your chest and leg armor because the armor value is very low which in combination with low armor absoprtion value is probably making the minions very dangerous.

I’d take about 4 points from each bursting rounds and chilling rounds and put those into inquistors seal. Stand in that. It is a crazy strong skill at this level. I’d try to get a few more points from somewhere else and put them in word of renewal.

And honestly I would have never gone 50 deep in soldier mastery. Either one of inquistor ultimate skills would be more appealing to me depending on pierce or elemental damage. Since you went pierce I would recommend moving in this direction. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2G7mk62
different ultimate, got rid of a couple proc skills that do not do pierce, picked up word of pain for pierce resist reduction and got some more points in healing spell and inquisitors seal for defense.

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