Holly shit that rollback...

pm also denied

Can confirm, PM functionality seems borked at the moment.

My Familliar thread got removed. Now that the roll back was made by Crate, I can’t blame Zantai… I’ll blame Maya because they were most active in that thread.

It’s indeed really unfortunate that the rollback is so massive. But Crate already learned from this:

we intend to create backups much more frequently

So that’s a good thing, I guess.

When I have to do frequent backups I do them literally every day. Maybe Crate should do the same? :smiley:

maybe backup every 1-2 days?

I need whisky…

The Paladin will rise from the ashes like the Phoenix of Alladrah

2 pls starting recover my FG greenless thread…

I will drink for you mate! cheers

Daaamn ( grim?) I feel sorry for all the lost and wtf with the guy doing this .:frowning:


Whelp, that’s my bookmark folder of builds f*cked. Going to have to go through them and weed out the lost ones T_T

And this is also utterly typically script kiddy bullsht, for the barely code literate sht’s love to troll people by deleting stuff to prove how totes leet they are. When really it’s just petty, antisocial bit of immature stupidity. Especially if say the site in question has offline backups and in the case of builds, likely save files the sht weasel can’t touch or saved grimtools build links. Making their actions pretty fcking futile.

As for the backup - problem is they cost money to do and store, which means it can be difficult for some sites to maintain weekly backups due to the costs. That and usually sk’s hit way larger sites or ones they’re pissed off at for whatever stupid reason it this time.

He’s probably a warlord fanboy who wants the patch delayed. :rolleyes:

Retaliation for sure. Crate hit his build, his build hits back HAAAARD

You can try copy-paste some data from wayback archive (web time machine)


but it is 10 day old :frowning:

You guys are thinking too much blaming people. On a positive note I believe this is just Crate hinting us with an expansion, a new mastery with an ability to turn back time! :wink:


i feel super sorry for all you guys who have put so much work into these forums!
it is really appreciated and i hope you can recover some of the lost work!

Wow this is really odd. Who would do this shit…

My breaker is gone. Not a big deal but i’m more concerned about the community.

Keep posting things and make backups. I back up my builds already edited in final forms in txt files