How do people feel about 100% MI drop rates? ( + drop rates in general + loot filter)

  • All Bosses now have a 100% chance to drop their (non-legendary) Monster Infrequents.

im kind of 50/50 about it

on one hand, getting an item that i didnt know existed from an enemy, is pretty cool and gives me new ideas on builds and play styles

on the other hand, now that i know these items are 100% farmable, i just go on grim tools, search for where to get them, and it makes almost all other items obsolete, ( i just got my first lvl 70 character yesterday, so maybe that changes after a point?)

so ya, 50/50, not bad, but not great either, what do you guys think? how has it impacted your game experience?

also, is there any news on the next expansion getting a new and improved loot filter?

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Said it since a bit into playtest, i think it’s too high.
Bosses with only 1 MI in their loot table should probably only have like idono 80-85-90% chance to drop it, still heavily in our favour, but there’s “gotta” be some rngsesus to stiff us a little i feel.
Bosses with multiple MIs/shared loot tables i think are working perfectly.
General drop rates, well, i’m hoping FoA doesn’t further increase Epic/Legend drop rates, unless we actually start to rename them or add a new additional higher quality tier :sweat_smile:
Current rate of regular greens i’m fine with, most non boss MIs largely feel decent too despite the reduction

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knowing that an enemy has the potential to drop an item is a good thing, but getting it 100% of the time… i dono…

it would be good if there was a way to let the player know potential items drops of enemy MIs, in game

maybe some sort of “book of potential drops”? this could be sold at an NPC, per region , a guy that records all of the horrors that roam the land,

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100% chance to drop with BASE stats, RNG goes brrr all around affixes. And unless for leveling, thus noone wants to equip a bad affixes MI for your lv 100 char.
GT is all about creation, you make a new char, lvlup it to 100, farm and equip min/max specific gears (mostly using 2-3 MIs), doing end game contents, “hmm look like it’s complete, now I can make a new class char”. A cycle almost never ends, that’s how we play GD. So as the buff of MI drop and bias affixes, it’s good enough that we dont have to spend 30 more tedious hours to find the last decent MI to complete a char, quite a waste of time, rather than we can enjoy making a fresh char again.


Hands off my guaranteed gollus ring drops!

(my precious)

Also if your MI drops with 2 garbo affixes it’s basically a non-drop anyway. You’re gonna do it again. Personally I like knowing the item will at least drop after running all the way there :person_shrugging:


So… don’t go to GrimTools. :man_shrugging:

I Play my second char after complete deletion of the game. I started straight from the ultimate and refuse to go for shrines to lower difficulties. So from this perspective the drop rate is perfect. Game in that kind of restrictions is so much fun and challenging. My char is now lvl 70 and have only reached Ikon. To smth like lvl 60 I had problems with capping resistances. All in all when you start from ultimate and doing ssf the drop rate is perfect imho.
Just my 3 cents :nerd_face:

100% droprate is more than justified IMO because of the suffix and affix pool. Since MI’s became more important all over the updates (which is a good thing), there’s more than enough farming tbd to gear up all existing chars from over the years :sweat_smile:

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grim tools is fine, its just the drop rate that i think is too high,

imagine if components had a 100% chance to drop

I didn’t think I would like it, but I like it.

That I can agree with. Drop rates are too high across the board. As for components, their drop rates should’ve been reduced 3-5 times in update


I can take or leave the 100% drop rate from bosses, but the (what feels like) 1% drop rate from yellow mobs is a kick in the teeth. If the MI you want doesn’t have a boss that drops it, you can pretty much pretend it doesn’t exist until Ultimate.

I had to clear Cronley’s Lair over 14 times (I counted) to get a single Ascended Casque on my last character. These items used to be what I recommended to people to fix their aether and chaos resists in Veteran, now they’re as rare as rockinghorse shit.

I’d happily go back to drop rates.

I agree with this sentiment. Getting the right affixes can still be so extremely time consuming that not having a 100% droprate on the base item was discouraging to me.

I was thinking this today while leveling my vindicator. Wanted ugdenbog sparkthrower for primal strike and it took absurdly long to find one in normal. The droprate is terrible

just buy it ? :thinking:

It took me about 300 hours to realise you can reset the vendors in Skeleton Key dungeons (go to the next level, wait a bit, go back). That DOES make a huge difference.

Which vendor sells the Ascended Casque?

pretty sure none do? :thinking: - Vinelton however sells the sparkthrower Zero wanted

100% drop rates for MI’s were an excellent change simply because it was oftentimes time consuming to get to some bosses only to have RNG mess with you giving you nothing or a bad affix combo/roll.

I think the change is mostly helpful for new players that would miss out on seeing the MI and it’s modifiers. Being able to see these items as options for other characters opens up build diversity and provides new players with something that could change or improve their build. That alone makes this change fantastic for most of the players of GD.

If you are on the forums, you’re not considered a new player and probably have seen a fair bit of the game…

If you are lucky enough to have a build that uses vendor farmable MIs then good for you. If your MI doesn’t have a consistent boss that drops it (Ascendant Cowl or Wendigo Gaze for example - or Ascended Casque) then it is farm city for you. Have there ever been any suggestions to make some of those MIs available at vendors too?