How do people feel about 100% MI drop rates? ( + drop rates in general + loot filter)

unsure, but, worth to know that not all non boss MIs are in the same league (which is probably part of teh problem)
wendigo medals drop like candy for whatever reason, same with some fleshwarped stuff, rifscourge slicers, troll dagger/scythes, bloodsworn stuff,
meanwhile others doesn’t korvan halberds, cronely aether bois stuff etc, i grinded like 5-6? levels from 25’ish to 30something trying to get a korvaak dagger to drop

Kinda sketch going to the dungeon at lv30 in lokarr set

just wait until level 40 then since that’s min level for the rifle anyway :grin:

I would next time. Only reason I didn’t buy immediately is bc I didn’t know the droprate was so shit :person_shrugging:

Cronley dungeon is one hell of a nightmare for MI’s, that one should be considerably changed with a higher droprate also from the yellow guys. But thought there was already a separate thread around that

part of the issue is basically only yellow guys drop it, and those are already sparse
and yes there was indeed a thread about it

My bad, indeed only the yellow guys. Never minded to grind for stuff, but really got a disgust from cronleys place :laughing:

reason it’s “bad”, yellow guy spawn rate aside, is that champs tend to have 1-3% drop rate (ymmv), but heroes bump that up to 10-15%
but since there then are basically no cronley heroes dropping MIs outside mainly bounty spawn heroes, means we dont’ get that sweet bump in drop chance once in a while unlike many other MI farms
it also means infamy has even less impact than other MIs, since the increase in hero spawn means a fat 0 increase in MI rewards for cronley :sweat_smile:

Cronley dungeon will fix that in incoming exp… I hope :pray:

I don’t want yellow monsters to have high MI drop chance, because I hate when I enter an area in campaign and keep seeing the same item over and over. It’s like RNG got stuck and couldn’t draw anything more exciting.

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I think just for cronley’s dungeon this change should be made, not other monsters/areas

I like it much better now. Those who prefer to grind for hours/days still can do so because of prefixes and affixes.

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I think the drop rates in general are borderline ridiculous.
I don’t know how someone can look at one random totem fight dropping like 8 blues, 2 legendaries and 9001 greens and think it’s a good idea.
Used to play back in 2019 and remember doing nemesis runs and the skeleton key dungeons just to maybe get a chance of seeing one or two legendaries per run. It made it mean something once it did drop. Now I barely even look at legendaries, let alone blues or greens, and honestly it’s made my desire to play kinda plummet.


Try farming ascendant cowl in Malmouth with any good pet affix. I’d bet your desire to play will go right back up!

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Target Torraxsteria. Should drop one almost every time you kill it and only has a couple spawn points.

If every MI had something like this, I wouldn’t be complaining, but there are some that only drop as random drops from random yellow monsters and the drop-rate is low enough that they basically don’t exist until Ultimate.

I had to clear Cronley’s Lair 12 times to get 1 (one) Ascended Casque on a previous character. That isn’t feasible.

bounty only hero spawn
so you’d have to fish bounties first
then on top she only gets 7.5% drop chance ( you might be mixing up the 50% drop chance sceptre with the pet helmet Spraynerb mentioned?)

I just spent all of 5 seconds to get the bounty (it was the third one).

Ran around Crown Hill 3 times (Killed Torraxsteria 3 times) and ended up with 7 Ascended Cowls. 2 had pet affixes, Dominator’s and of Caged Souls. Torraxsteria didn’t drop any of them, which kinda makes my point from above.

In Ultimate you can find the items you need, but good luck getting those helmets in normal.

what? you just said she didn’t drop them, which was my point - and you said you’d get one almost every time from her @_@
which means it doesn’t matter trying to farm her specifically; you just need to run crownhill/malmouth human trash champs

^this mention then doesn’t make sense by your own confirmation just now; since she didn’t drop it… ?

which was what makes the whole mention of torraxsteria weird? since she only has 7.5% drop chance of it, and you thus wont get it almost everytime from her… the chance is just farming regular drops… “which is the issue for this MI(and some others) - Torraxsteria doesn’t help that issue” @_@

Yeah, but my point above that was that some items are extremely hard to get unless they’re on a boss.

Yeah, that was my bad. I think I was thinking of Valaxsteria, but either way I didn’t check and was incorrect.

Torraxsteria helps, but doesn’t fix it. She’s another chance for the drop and 7.5% or whatever the chance is is better than 0% which is what you would get by not killing her.

I still think drop rates for non-boss MIs are stupid low and kinda don’t care about the 100% boss drop rates.

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I think people who want less than 100% drop rates are either masochists or just don’t like the idea in concept but haven’t actually tried to farm a decent MI for a build.

At 100% it still takes me 2-5 hours of grinding the same single beeline route with 3-8 second boss/nemesis kill time to get 2 minimally acceptable affixes for ONE MI. Heaven forbid your build has 2 plus nemesis pants, your farming build is slower, you like to play multiple toons with MIs, you’re going for specific affixes, or you’re going for the still astronomically low chances of getting a useful triple rare.