How does soulblade work exactly?

That’s what i asked too, a week ago. But it does work, especially on a Shieldbreaker where Demo mastery has lots of flat fire dmg, with a 2H weapon like Shar’zul worldeater or Infernal brimstone, for example. Also, unless i’m mistaken, the conversion also applies to the fire portion of OK’s WPS skills.

edit: I’m mistaken, WPS don’t get converted. But hey, there’s a ton of global fire to chaos conversion out there, so using these gloves on a chaos RF build doesn’t hurt (just gotta tweak a build i made :/)

I’ve asked around and apparently it is so. WPS will be converted expet Upheval like ‘‘wps’’ which is it’s own thing. So Shattering Smash will have no benefit from Fire RF but has that mod on divine whispers.

This however makes a few other wps mods a bit redundant as far as conversion goes

I may have missed it as I was glancing through this thread - but user_name mentioned that retal damage cannot be converted.

Can any of the testers confirm this please?

Retal damage is converted and if the skill has retal to attack with a skill mod that has conversion, the skill mod will convert the approriate damage.

I’ve made simple test using GrimDamage with this char.
Here is a result:

No fire damage at all, so item skills modifiers also convert WPS.

Thanks a lot guys, on clearing the conversion issue on both WPS and Retal. It helps tremendously.

I have a question regarding Heart of Wrath. As i understood from older posts, it has a “life of its own”, apart from Judgement. As such, is it safe to assume that whatever conversion Judgement is subject to won’t affect HoW? It seems a logical deduction from the way some item modifiers to both skills behave. Like Mark of Ulzuin, with flat chaos and full conversion from physical to fire on Judgement. Will this allow us to separately convert the fire damage from HoW to chaos, via global modifiers? And if so, will the % retal added to attack take the shape of chaos retal? I’m inclined to believe so, from how Norzan phrased it, concerning retal conversion. However, a confirmation wouldn’t hurt. :smiley: