How to - Move your saves from Steam cloud to Grim Dawn's default location.

Check in the GD Game settings to see if you have Cloud Save enabled.

i have it enabled

I want to do the opposite, i have characters on my HD that i have always played and now somehow the steam cloud has overwritten them as blank or something. These are legit characters all tried to do was install them on my new laptop.

I have ALL the original characters on my HD, just need to get Grim Dawn to recognize my save files and not the cloud.

In the GD game options, deselect Cloud Saving in the General tab.

Is it recommended to keep could saves on?

Pls some one help me how to get the game to read the local save files not the cloud one i have disable the cloud save for steam and it dose not work

The probem is that my savedata isnt where it sould be, the userdata doesnt have the files there

I can’t find steam savefiles.

Searched in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\folder of numbers\219990\remote\save or X:\steam

Don’t have any of this folder or steam installed. But if I turn steam clouds in game off I lost all my saved chars. Where are they hidden?

Start at the Steam directory and hit Ctrl+F. Type in your character’s name at the search prompt that appears. If it’s there it should show up.

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I got everything working, my save games are transfered, but whenever I try to use a mod it resets it to the beginning of the game. Is there something else I have to do? Thanks

Hi just a question… i was playing on my friends gog version and now i wanted to buy my own copy on steam while transferring my characters. Is it possible to just copy from gog to steam? Or is there something that prevents this. Been trying to google it but couldnt find an answer. Just wanted to make sure before i actually buy it and be stuck with creating a new character from scratch

that’s great:D

Why would you want to move your character saves to your local space? What difference does it make?

i have it enabled

I am having a problem in that I cannot see my character save files under my documents folder or the Steam cloud. Have tried everything listed, but no dice.

Wish I would have found this earlier… lost the best weapon I ever found for my Warder (Agony) and I click Exit to Desktop after using that weapon for a couple of hours, it locks the pc as it so often does, I power down as I so often have to and then when I get back, I lose a full level and the weapon. I had the damn Cloud Save button enabled all along and didn’t realize it… I have nothing saved on my PC so I guess I lost it. I am soooooo pissed. It still took him a long time to kill bosses that don’t melee but now I go back to it taking forever. Times like this make me want to quit.

in game menu you need turn off cloud save too it make me crazy why I never see it after many copy and pase :frowning:

There is no GD folder in User/MyGames for the saved game daa and the one that appears in Program Files x86/…/steamapp is empty. were can i see my Saved game data or find it? Should i backup the data and turn off steam cloud? PLs help! TY

Try searching for your character’s name, it should point to the save files. If you don’t find anything than you should download the cloud save files. You have that option to download them ingame.

Hello, really nice tool :smiley: I dunno if I did something wrong or so, but I somehow got my character to lose all quest progress o.o I just killed last boss on normal with friend, and didn’t really like one of my masteries, and for some reason, my 2nd mastery was my “main” as I entered it <.< and at first I just wanted to revive one of my character who died with a piece of equipment I forgot to bank <.< and saw you could change masteries! Really neat, but if you know how to check quest done, looked in there, couldn’t see it :I dunno if I have to do all of them again <.> (know I can jump into elite, but can’t go to the spirit guide etc <.<