I get that this has already been shut down....but components on 2H weapons

Gonna try 1 last time as it bugs me.

I feel that this is a major source of power creep.

As components get better and better (i.e. seals), 2H weapons become more and more disadvantaged.

I suggest that we either increase the potency of 2H weapon augments to 2.5-3x that of 1H items, or allow more powerful 2H components to be crafted.

For example, instead of having a seal of blades be complete at 4/4, have it be completed at 6/6 for a 2-hander, and have this component give maybe 25-30% more umph than it’s 1H counterpart.


P.S. Totally posted this in the wrong section. :stuck_out_tongue:

Where did you want to post it?

Feedback/suggestions I guess.

Done. :slight_smile:


Bless your soul, sweet child. <3

You’re welcome. It’s been a long while since I’ve been called either sweet or child. :wink:

Will it help in the end even, if they gain a buff?
Just wondering how the DA-nerf will affect 2-H melee builds.
There’s always ADCTH, but aren’t these builds still going to be glass cannons even with added uuumph?
Never really rolled 2-H melee past veteran.

Bitter old codger, then?

I can tell from my already reworked builds and experience that, at least 2H Tacticians, will not going to become glass cannons at all.
In fact, this class should even become a bit more powerful than before.

Regardless of whether or not they become glass cannons, the issue remains - 2H builds are going to gradually become less and less competitive due to power creep.

i’m afraid they will never do this. It is a lot more work than it seems. This si just one of the bane of 2h, outside the horrid auto-attack animation and huge min max damage gap.

Perhaps expac will bring some unexpected improvement for 2h, like the medal one Zantai hinted at

Would buffing augments, or perhaps introducing more augment options for 2H weapons really be that much work?

If so, I yield completely.

I don’t have any coding experience, and admit that I could be talking out of my butt. :stuck_out_tongue:

They did improve augments once. They weren’t always 2x stronger. I guess they gould throw in a 20% strength in there. But it’s hard to balance. Idk, it’s tricky really

They could buff kraken.

Give it a combination (or all - I really wouldn’t mind) of the following: %OA &/or DA, %armor, stun resist, etc.

Basically something which ACTUALLY scales into the late game. 10% atk spd on a horrendously slow attacking weapon?

Thank. You. Very. Much.

They just added hp to it recently.

The main problem 2h melee has imo is animation realted to attack speed (except transmuted BA which is 1 shot). Cast speed builds like the very popular FW are fine but if you start beating on mobs with savagery/cadence/FS using 2h melee, it’s pretty bad. Passable in campaign, maddening in crucible.

2x 180hp is, IMO, inadequate for how terribad 2H are compared to 1H.

As it stands, the tier 1 viper constellation is in every way superior to the kraken constellation. Heck, 1 point into crossroads will give most 2H builds more hp than the 360 boost.

I don’t propose to know the exact solution on how to balance the issue, but 2H weapons need a lot of love from the devs.

The only thing attractive about kraken is the +15% crit damage. But lol. The constellation itself doesn’t even have OA to synergize with it.

Perhaps an indirect way of buffing kraken is to increase its affinity payoff.

Wasn’t saying it’s enough:) I don’t know what they could do.

KRacken is much needed for 20% AS if you depend on AS. Rifles benefit the most from this.

And look at the damage gap on a 2h mage for example, it’s just too much. One first step is to increase the min dmg done with heavy 2h

KRacken is much needed for 20% AS if you depend on AS


Apologies, fluff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just irked is all. My wish for builds in GD is the same for people in life - equality for all.


You are right to be irked lol:D I wanna take a massive 2h and smash faces with auto attack. I’ve wanted this since the first weeks of GD. Thiswas my first end game build. Imagine my excitment for the 2h pierce what is coming in Forgotten gods…

Is that choppiness in the video a result of running your PC on potato powered batteries? :stuck_out_tongue: