I see no point in buying the Forgotten Gods DLC. Yes, I'm a skeptic.

So I saw the new DLC and thought it was cool. But I’m not going to buy it for these 2 reasons:

~ No devotion point increase. Why not add 3 extra?

~ No level cap increase. Why not add 5 extra?

Wouldn’t this seem fair enough?

Now I see absolutely no reason in playing through elite because of this. You will be level 100 before you reach ultimate if you do run through all the DLC. You would be level 100 if you casually ran through normal and completed the DLC in elite. There needs a balance. Increase the devotion points and the leveling slightly.

5 more levels actually means you get weaker (no new gear tier and the OA and DA gap with enemies gets wider) and even just 3 more devotion points would lead to ridiculous devotion routes. Plus 58 points is just ugly.

You can skip to Ultimate with difficulty tokens anyway, don’t need to do Normal and Elite.


I agree that Crate should either round it to 60 devotion points, or go meme-y with 69 or just go for a 100 :stuck_out_tongue:

feel free to skip Elite and/or Normal

Just as they adjusted the leveling from 85 to 100, they could easily adjust it to balance out another 5 levels.

3 extra devotion points can do you a lot. Believe me.

“You can skip to Ultimate with difficulty tokens anyway, don’t need to do Normal and Elite.”

That’s great, but it proves that the difficulty balance is lost. Skipping to ultimate without good gear? Not a chance.

for 15$, it would have been perfect. Now it just looks like an extra story add on without the need to improve on maxed out characters from AoM.

We don’t need a higher level cap, what does that add? There are a few more skill/attribute points via quests in FG.

Now I see absolutely no reason in playing through elite because of this. You will be level 100 before you reach ultimate if you do run through all the DLC. You would be level 100 if you casually ran through normal and completed the DLC in elite. There needs a balance. Increase the devotion points and the leveling slightly.

Does it matter whether you reach Level 100 before Ultimate now? Elite and Ultimate scale from level 1 to 100.


Which is the reason why we don’t need anymore. At the moment, plenty of builds have to make choices about what devotions to take or not to take. More points means less choice is involved as you can take multiple T3s or T2s.

Thank you for understanding! :rolleyes::smiley:

3 extra devotion points will not overpower your build. I only say this with a level increase of 5 to balance it out. It just gives the player some extra leveling and devotion points to work towards without it being completely encompassed around the grinding of finishing the story.

Dont know if you read the patch notes but I can point out many reasons to buy this expansion, Level 100 is perfectly fine and you would have a better argument if you instead re title your post to “exp curve needs modified” and reasons for where you think the curve needs changed but no you went full retard and decided to put
“no point in buying”…smh, is this a troll post or are you serious ? i was half expecting “no point buying due to crashes”

AoM had a whole tier of items to close the gap with enemies. 5 extra levels, no matter how you balance it, it would make you weaker. Because the gear you have is falling behind.

It would lead to broken devotion routes. Trust me, i have dozens of devotions routes where i could have picked a whole proc for one extra point. Give me three more and i’ll come up with some broken or anyone else will. 55 is enough.

It was either this or nothing. Expecting a complete overhaul of a difficulty system in a game where devs gain absolutely nothing from it is asking too much. Specially when it’s the second expansion.

And i guess all the new items that can be upgrades to your builds and many others don’t exist. You know, loot, one of the major selling points of this genre.

Don’t buy it! It’s a trap spurred on by plebes!

Lol kid, that’s quite ironic of you to say since you seem content with how AoM is designed. Please show your hypocrisy some more. I never asked for a full blown increase. Just a minor increase to actually do some other grinding besides the story. It would be way too boring to do the story without improving on your build just a little more wouldn’t it?

you are not supposed to do that with your first char… you can hand down gear instead of relying on what you find…

Would it? Also with the new items and devotions, you can improve your build more than just a little more.

But no one is saying you “can’t.” And it obviously depends on your build so you do have to rely on what your other characters find to dictate on how strong your new build may be. e.g., You may have more gear for a commando build than a soldier build. So something is obviously going to dictate whether or not you are prepared to ‘skip’ said difficulty.

You’re right, they can, which is precisely why we didn’t increase the cap.

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Look, if you guys don’t like what I proposed, lol then fine. At least one guy here agrees to bump the devotion points if not the leveling. Too many quests, devotion points and extra gear without an option to advance your characters a little more like what AoM allowed, then Forgotten Gods doesn’t seem worth it to me… and it undermines what you guys said about AoM and you know that.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Do as you wish Zantai, it was merely a minor suggestion. A much smaller increase than AoM would have been great for this DLC, just saying… IMO.

well, you kinda did say that

And it obviously depends on your build so you do have to rely on what your other characters find to dictate on how strong your new build may be. e.g., You may have more gear for a commando build than a soldier build. So something is obviously going to dictate whether or not you are prepared to ‘skip’ said difficulty.

of course something will, and if you are not prepared for it then don’t. My assumption was you already had some finished chars and therefore some gear.

If your concern is that for your first char you will reach level 100 before you finish Ultimate when going through all acts of vanilla + AoM + FG, then yes, that will happen. I would skip AoM and FG on Normal and Elite for that reason in that case.

People literally mentioned new gear and devotions that can improve old builds. Don’t know why you are purposely ignoring that. :rolleyes: